Rev. Eddie McBride’s Sweet Potato Pie
copyright 2009 The Rev. Eddie McBride
used with permission by The Bettina Network, inc.
Bettina’s changes
4 medium size sweet potatoes organic sweet potatoes
2/3 cup brown sugar organic turbinado sugar
4 Tablespoons Corn Syrup organic maple syrup
1 Can Condensed Milk organic heavy cream
2 Eggs organic eggs
4 Tablespoons Real Butter organic butter
1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg all spices organic
1/4 Teaspoon Ground Cloves
1/4 teaspoon Ground Ginger
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract powdered organic vanilla
1. Cook the 4 medium-size sweet potatoes until you can drive a fork in smoothly. Then de-skin the potatoes (while preheating the oven).
2. Preparing crust for pies: 1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 2) Let frozen crust thaw 10 to 20 minutes. Price bottom and around sides thoroughly with fork. 3) Bake in oven for about 9 to 11 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool. Then….Fill with Sweet Potato Mix.
ed.note: If you prefer to make your own pie crust it would probably be better and healthier. We have a recipe for one using organic flour in Bettina’s Cookbook.
3. Place Sweet Potatoes in bowl and blend with fork and electric blender, until smooth. In large bowl, mix sweet potatoes and remaining filling ingredients with blender until blended thoroughly blended. Pour mix into browned pie crusts.
4. Pre-Heat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees; bake 30 additional minutes or until knife or fork inserted in center comes out clean. However, if you are going to use the Streusel Topping, at this point, only cook for 15 Minutes before placing topping.
Streusel Topping for Sweet Potato Pie (optional…you don’t need to do this part)
Bettina’s changes
1/2 cup packed brown sugar organic turbinado sugar
4 Tablespoons Butter organic butter
1/2 Teaspoon ground cinnamon organic cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped Pecans organic Pecans
1/2 cup chopped Walnuts organic Walnuts
Mix above ingredients in a bowl. Sprinkle Streusel over top of pie and bake for 15 to 20 minutes after Streusel Topping has been placed on pie or until knife or fork inserted in center comes out clean.
Who is Eddie McBride?
He is single, likes to eat and cooks out of necessity. He has a very respectable collection of recipes – most however, need little tweaks to keep the body healthy – as we did above.
He runs a non-profit corporation which works to help his community be its best self – primarily working with at-risk children. It is a 501C3 organization.
You can tell from this recipe that he is from the deepest south – note the whole cup of condensed milk and the pecans, even though there are a few New England walnuts spread around, probably from his time in the Northeast.
Rev. McBride is currently working to bring MIT’s Fabrication Lab (the FAB Lab) to Mississippi, January thru March, to expose his community to this form of technology with the goal of establishing a permanent FAB Lab in his area.
An MIT graduate and Harvard Divinity School student, Rev. McBride has ministered in Massachusetts and Upstate New York. He is now working in Mississippi. If you are interest in being a part of bringing MIT’s FAB Lab to Mississippi, he can be reached at
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My Feet and Liquid Vitamin C