Remembering Betty Ford at Breakfast!

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011

It was a very interesting breakfast.  I am sending this to you for Bettina’s Blog because we don’t normally talk about such things, but this was quite thought provoking.

A couple people at breakfast were old enough to remember Betty Ford when she was at her height and the work she did.  Particularly her stances around women’s rights – or the equality of women.  A lot was said about her, but the part of the conversation I wanted to share with your readers was the observation of the sexism at the funeral and how far we have to go as a country when our top leaders are setting the tone and sending out the wrong messages.

The “presidential” contingent, there to bear witness to Betty Ford and her life were all women, except for former President Bush – the young Bush – the one we try to make fun of.  There was Hillary – but no Bill; there was Michelle – but no Barack.  That was quite a message.  If it were a president who died, the men would be there in force and so would their wives, but because it was the wife of a former president, the disrespect was glaring.  We guessed the others were too busy to pay their respects to a former presidents’ wife who they all knew and whose work they all knew and whose contributions to society they all knew.  That was so sad.  We all felt sorry for them that they would not ‘demean’ themselves by attending the funeral of a former first lady.

Ed Note:  Thanks for sending this.  We watched the funeral on C-Span, but it didn’t hit us that the former and current Presidents were absent.  It looked ‘normal’ to us and therein lies the problem, which is so hard to solve and push aside for a better way of life for all.  The wrong example is certainly being set at the top.


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