Red Tea – Po Er
copyright 2010 The Bettina Network, inc.
We had a magnificent tea, made and served at breakfast by a bed & breakfast guest. It was an incredible experience and we wanted to share it with you. The guests carry the makings for this tea in a special box wherever they travel. The tea itself looked like a sheet of dark green paper and they cut the tip of the square of this ‘tea sheet’ and it made a huge pot of tea. So much for our tea bags, which make one cup.
5 Chrysanthemums (they used dried)
5 rose buds (also dried, but you could use fresh flowers if they have not been sprayed, etc.)
Tibetan red flower (small amount – they used two pieces)
Ling chi (mushroom chopped in pieces)
Tea (red, green, black, white – any kind)
Pour hot water over all and let this sit for 15 minutes
Add milk – honey – and drink.
Enjoy this unusual treat.
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