QANON, Donald Trump, KKK – have what in common?
Our research is pointing to the fact that QANON is the reincarnation of the Ku Klux Klan.
It makes sense as we look under every rock we can find. Donald Trump has an early acquaintance with the KKK through his father who was, apparently, a member of the KKK and took part in their march down Pennsylvania Avenue when tens of thousands of people in klan robes and pointy white hats took over Washington, D. C.
There are pictures which claim to be of Trump’s father being questioned in a police station with his KKK robes over his arm on the same day as that KKK march in D. C. Some deny the pictures, but most who knew the event don’t.
Clearly, if the KKK returned as a part of the White Supremacy groups, the White Nationalists, the neo-Nazi’s and more, their credibility would be lacking and people would move away. Trump would be soundly rebuked if he tried to be Imperial leader of the KKK and take over its national body. As Q, he has lots of followers who are willing to do his bidding because QANON has the same goals at the KKK, but gives some protection and Trump has lots of practice with alter egos – other personalities behind which he has hidden to do things he could not do as Donald Trump.
It can invade other groups – political and otherwise and while QANON members would be fringe to those groups, eventually the conversion gives them control. Even the White Nationalists groups and others fall in line to work together to achieve what Q is calling for. They already have elected a few Senators, which would never happen if they were still organizing and acting as the KKK.
Coming back as QANON with Trump as Q means it is Trump and others bringing back the Klan in a more “acceptable” form.
Take a look at history. We can take a straight line from Hitler’s Germany – through Joseph McCarthy and his supposed fight against Communists and Socialists – directly to Donald Trump through Roy Cohn. We could go back in the opposite direction and look at what led to the world having such a strong turn into bigotry that resulted in Hitler and his Concentration Camps and killing of so many for no reason other than their religious or cultural identification or color of their skin.
Trump drops the curtain and we see they have been building back the same kind of people who supported them in their hey day with this ‘new’ group which tries to camouflage its history with this reincarnation attempt.
It begins to make sense as you look at what we refuse to acknowledge because so many of us are still engaged in the bigot’s denial. Analyze the statements that come when someone charges a program, person, idea as being “communist” or “socialist” – what they are actually saying is what was being said and done through Joe McCarthy’s Senate hearings during which he destroyed the lives and livelihoods of thousands. They were not responding to people who were actually communists or whose belief system was communist or socialist, they were responding to people who were one of the minorities who were being fought against and held back so they could form and be ready to act as the underbelly of an economic system which can not function without such.
Today there is great fear as minorities are becoming the majority in these United States. How do we denigrate them. How to make sure they hav e no power in this system and a swift retaliation if they try to gain and exercise such. They are the “less than” peoples. How to be racist with an off ramp providing denial is to distract. Turn attention away from what you are really saying and/or doing into why you are pointing the finger and calling out communists and socialists. You are really calling out minorities to turn people against every thing they are about and everything they do, say, feel and more.
To turn a group of people into the workers, builders, creators of a society in which they neither participate nor benefit, but are there at no charge so others can benefit has been a goal of white America for generations. They were successful turning Africans into slaves. When that was no longer possible, making sure African Americans gave to the society and received crude, bare, vicious survival in return. White Americans have done this in numerous ways, but all have had a common theme.
After Hitler there had to be something which covered where one was coming from because of the carnage Hitler and his ilk created which turned off the world. The way to do today is to raise the accusation of “communist”, “socialist” against those you want to keep your foot on while being socially correct. Russians are communists and we hate their system of government. So McCarthyism took up the call of what was popular to hate during his time and called out – if you check, many Jews – claiming they were communists. He was one of the supporters and protectors of both Joe McCarthy and then Donald Trump as McCarthy left the scene. And now Roy Cohn has left the scene and Donald Trump has stepped into their shoes – most notably today as Q after having sowed many seeds to help this new conspiracy group gain ground before he shows himself.
Since then there have been concentration camps established and firing squads, but done in a way that would be marginally accepted by the rest of society. The killing of African Americans by the police is one way. The police in this country have been put on notice that they were being infiltrated by Nazi’s, KKK, White Nationalists and more. They have engaged in denial until many are now calling for them to be “defunded.” They have been very effective with many blacks being killed in the crudest of ways and the people doing the killing – “pardoned” – or not charged at all for anything.
It is not difficult to purge the police of such influences. It is not difficult for the police to stop the profiling, and more of minorities which they are perfectly free to do and have been free to do for generations.
We use a particular court – probate court – established during slavery to protect and preserve the rights of slave owners to have sway over their “property.” The police were established during slavery to hunt, return and/or kill slaves who ran away or did other things that needed response to dissuade other slaves from following suit.
Those institutional structures are still functioning with very little change from the time of their being instituted as structures to maintain and prolong slavery. When are we going to stop denying and begin to bring these institutions into a world of diversity – of equality – of moving against those who need to be “better than” at the expense of so many others.
All of those structures had hangers-on from the minority groups they were attempting to control and maintain in a much reduced place maintaining the “better than” position of the Northern European-ancestry groups. Those hangers-on being used to attempt to justify and deny what they were actually about.
It is time to face, deal with, correct and walk out into the beautiful sunshine of a world where everyone is free and equal. Power, control, jealousy, the need to have much more than any human should ever want – these things need to be outlawed. They are in God’s law. They also need to be in humanity’s inner and outer world.
Will it ever be so? Or will we make baby steps to maintain this kind of world while we give the outward appearance of making change into a better world! Two steps forward before we turn in fear running back a half mile because while we talk change we really don’t want change. Just enough to give the appearance of working for change.
Aren’t we better off today then we were back then?
No! We have a billionaire class of only a very few people with most of the worlds assets fighting with each other to prove whose penis is larger and using space, space ships, conquering space as the symbols to show the world they really are the bigger man with the largest penis. At the same time they have blinded themselves to the homeless who their money and effort could benefit. The homeless who they have stripped of everything including their dignity and humanness.
We should have a world free from such, but instead homelessness developed and has grown exponentially because of such fights and jealousies and competitions.
Will that change? If Trump and QANON are removed will that create great change? No! We need to change the need in us that created Trump and all of those who went before.