“Q” is Trump?
Your article identifying Q as Donald Trump really struck a familiar chord.
Many of us have been talking about this cult and as we put pieces together we were coming to the same conclusion – That “Q” was actually Donald Trump. Your reasoning also fit. Trump has been building to this crescendo at the end of his tenure as president – building what always seemed to us to be a cult which he would lead. He has used insults, ugly, lies and whatever he had to for his cult to develop under fear and intimidation.
We think you are correct when you comment that after the “birther” cult following, Trump needed a structure into which to put other such ‘conspiracy theories’ which he could parade out and have instant people installed to push and publicize the theories he needed for control of the political side of the United States giving as much oxygen as quickly as possible to his latest. QAnon as that kind of organization certainly fit the bill. It just looks like something Trump would try. We remember some of his alter ego’s – John Barron (sometimes spelled John Baron), David Dennison, John Miller. When he goes into politics those go away and out comes the “birther conspiracy” and now we have QANON.
The QAnon Shaman was pictured several times in the media with a sign saying “Q sent me!” All during this insurrection the people involved kept chanting about how Trump sent them. They certainly acted like a cult group under the complete control of someone.
What also fits is how many are now disavowing Trump and talking about him as having “duped” them and more. That also fits Trump’s way of operating. He starts these things and doesn’t have the management ability – the intelligence – the know how – and/or other talents needed to actually pull off these incredible “things” he has conjured up all of his adult life.

A few would just flat out tell you Trump was “Q” and they owed him their allegiance.
This “Q” cult is just an extension of what Donald Trump has done throughout his adult life in business. He called the media many times claiming to be someone else. He had an actual alter ego who regularly called. Thinking of the names he used during those times, naming his son Baron was an interesting choice. He changed identities when there was some action, or statement, or idea, or etc. he was pushing trying to move himself into the number one spot. The “birther” conspiracy that he took over and perpetuated all over the place was what helped him become president in a very racist country reeling over the fact that they had elected an African American as president and all that meant.
Trump does not have the ability – mental capacity – knowledge – to understand that reaction was time limited and of a very short duration until the shock of their racism woke people up to who they were and how they were destroying themselves. Trump saw that reaction against equality and towards fascism as something he could use and build upon and so he took over “Q”.
Keep on writing, we will keep on reading.