Puerto Rico – CCamp 2017 style

The story of the Trump Administration and Donald Trump continues to unfold and as it does, the fascism and the many ways black, brown, yellow, red, purple people are negatively affected by this administration continues non-stop.  Trump has not missed one way of doing everything he could do to diminish, degrade, take away the rights of U. S. Citizens under the Constitution, respond only to those who are white – northern european – and hiding that fact only loosely under specious rhetoric.

The NFL debacle – was that to distract and take people’s attention away from what the administration was going to do and was in the process of doing to American citizens in Puerto Rico – the Brown people?

We have a president who actively pushes and demands that American citizens, especially those ‘in charge’ – violate the U. S. Constitution in the way they live, conduct business and interact with those “under” them.  He did it with the Muslim ban –  with the NFL – and now with Puerto Rico in the way he has handled the response to the tragedy under which they are living.  As much as he could use his office to make the lives of minorities horrifically worse he has not missed.

With the NFL the president has done much tweeting and in other ways making demands that the ‘owners’ of the team – the owners of the franchises – refuse their people their constitutional rights and if they demand and move ahead as though they are full citizens of this country living under the U. S. Constitution with their rights under that Constitution fully respected then the U. S. President wants them fired and their personhood diminished in the process.

The president of the United States has done almost no tweeting – especially when compared to what he does regarding other issues – about the situation in Puerto Rico.  The tweeting he has done about Puerto Rico has clearly uncovered his goal – which is to do as little as possible and to lead the American people into a space of doing very little for those others.

There are many ways to get the results you need from Concentration Camps and in this case the storms have produced an incredible time and way for the Trump administration to horribly oppress a group of brown people who the Nazi’s w0uld have sent to Concentration Camps.  Only Trump’s CCamps are 2017 style.  You can’t, in 2017, get rid of minorities the way Hitler did – one has to be imaginative about it and Donald Trump has been unbelievably visionary about how to recreate CCamps doing as much damage to minorities as possible while living to do the same for another day.  Do the deed and don’t just deny, but talk about what a fantastic job you are doing for the brown people.  Talk about how much aid you are giving them.  And then throw in quietly, you can’t do much because they don’t have the money to pay for their aid – and even more quietly engage in foot dragging to make sure the lives of the brown people in and around Puerto Rico takes the largest toll possible so the diminishment and elimination of the minorities of this world takes place in Trump time with Trump’s denial, but continuation of his actions as he moves on to the next event which will allow him to so eliminate minorities.

With General Kelly at his right hand it is not possible for Donald Trump to give any credible reason for waiting over 8 days to waive the Jones Act and on and on and on it goes.  Either General Kelly is complicit in this 2017 time of using what’s at hand to attempt to destroy – or at the very least – substantially handicap, oppress, keep in as bad conditions as possible so as many die as possible or if he is not complicit, he is continuing as Trump’s Chief of Staff and not giving Trump the benefit of his knowledge and experience from his military training and wisdom; his time spent as head of Homeland Security when he very efficiently brought in the Muslim ban or ?

What more is there to be said?  Keep foreign governments from coming to the aid of Puerto Rico by keeping the Jones Act in place.  Keep the Puerto Ricans in painful, disease inducing, death inducing, and in a place where they are starving with very little to no health helping possibilities and on and on goes the list.

Playing to his base again?  Fading into the woodwork are the Fascists, the KKK, the White Supremacist, the Mafia – all who are now clear believers in the fact that Donald Trump is on their side, doing what they would do and making sure he puts a good face on what he is doing so he can continue onto the next tragedy, catastrophe, demonstration and more that he can use to push the goals of his base – their racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic and more goals to change this country and move on to work with his friends around the globe to indeed change the world.

Change this world how?  Make the the rulers of this world and those who benefit from the life of others white again.


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