Proud to be an American
This is one of those mornings when it is time to reflect on your governmental loyalties.
We do a lot of complaining about this United States and we tend to point out all of the faults and pot holes wherever we find them. But every once in a while something happens that renews our faith and has us puff out our chests and this is one of those times.
To see the White Nationalists, the neo-Nazi’s, the KKK and other such assorted groups who are about nothing but hate – White Privilege – and all of that, reach the level of President of these United States is the most degrading, heart rending, destructive of democracy/republic thing that one could even imagine, let alone see happen. It makes you wonder if this is what we all have been fighting and sacrificing for?
And then to watch the drama unfold where this is clearly not America. To begin to understand that we have a president of these United States who could be an agent of a foreign government and have risen to the level of president through the interference of a foreign government into United States voting to become president is crushing, but not as bad as thinking that this happened through United States citizens wrecking such havoc.
When we see the energy and spontaneous activity of Americans raising their voices in protest to say – this is not my country and you get out – begins to bring the color back into my cheeks and the faith and love back into my heart.
You go America! And you keep on keeping on because this too shall pass. I can see the clouds lifting and the gloriousness of tomorrow because of the activity of our citizens becoming united to rid this country of those who want to change it into something that reflects those countries both current and historical who were about greed, jealousy, deprivation, theft from the poor to give even more to the wealthy, power and control over, giving to self and taking away from those who traditionally give away everything leaving themselves with nothing …….
There are those of you who voted for Trump and his gang of thieves because you wanted the United States to return to “normal.” And what was that “normal”. Well, you have seen it with all the cover taken off. That is what many of us have been fighting for generations. Only we didn’t see it in such stark terms. We saw the sophisticated version of what we are seeing exposed today. So now, maybe we can move ahead together understanding what and who we are and have been fighting and why.
Why has it been so hard to get human beings – who live on this planet to respect it and work to make sure it would be here and in good shape for generations to come – you are seeing why as you look at what is happening right in front of you.
Why has it been so hard to get human beings to care about those who temporarily can’t care about themselves or who have another way of being which got them into trouble or who are sick and infirm who can’t take care of themselves. Why has it been so hard to turn to understand they are our responsibility and to get all of us to work together so that we all can be whole and comfortable and loved. Take a look at this administration and you will see the personality types who have prevented and could care less about such – who characterize people needing help in ugly evil ways.
Why has it taken so many generations to get rid of the stain of slavery – Jim Crow – bigotry of all kind? Why has all of that hung on for so long? Now – do you understand? And now do you see what needs to happen to bring about that necessary change of heart?
We have had a theatre – a morality play – right in front of us all day every day for months now. Take heed and remember the lessons you are learning today – they will determine if we walk into the sunshine or continue to live in the shadows under all kind of storms and foul weather only able to look into the distance to see that beautiful warm bright light beckoning to us. Don’t reject it – just walk into it and we will all be better off.
So proud to be an American, today because I have been seeing those working for the same things I have spent myself working to bring about. Hope that feeling will last several lifetimes. And those people will multiply.
And as for you who want that “normality” back? Screw You!
Ooops! Sorry! Guess that other side slipped out! I am only human, after all. We all have it don’t we! Guess I have much more work to do on myself!
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