Problem Feet

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2014

I read your blog on ‘Old Feet’.  I thought it was great.  I would change your title from “Old Feet’ to “Problem Feet.”  Most women have a problem with their feet, usually caused by the fashion shoes we wear and as the years pass the stress on those feet from the high fashion shoes increases and puts lots of stress on the body.

I tried your exercises and they work wonders.  Combined with the exercises – and I think you may have this someplace else in your blog – I discovered soaking my feet in Organic Apple Cider.  It was a god-send.  I soaked my feet in a pail with 1/2 quart organic apple cider and I could then go dancing in any kind of shoes.  And – I have gotten so accustomed to those feet exercises that I find I do them unconsciously now whenever a few minutes turns up and I have either no stockings on or am waiting for some reason sitting in a chair in some office.  I take my feet out of my shoes and sit there exercising my toes.  (Yes, I am young enough to have jettisoned panti -hose.) The reaction of the people around me was hilarious.  People stare, but I have become immune to caring about what people think.  I have come to realize that we will suffer much to ‘fit in’ and not be considered ‘odd’.  Somehow, I have escaped this and am enjoying my lonely position immensely.

I was exercising my toes and feet without thinking and another woman came over to ask if I didn’t want to put my shoes back on?  Before I could shut my mouth, which had dropped open with her comment/question, a man sitting next to me was taking off his shoes and socks following my example.  Maybe we can change the world – although that woman will probably be the opposition trying to keep things as they are and us with all of our inhibitions.  It feels so great to get rid of even one and realize you are not alone, but others around are just waiting to follow your lead.

After soaking my feet for at least 1/2 hour, not only did my feet feel great, but the rest of me had energy for several days.  It was magical the way my feet responded to that Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.  I also use it as a softener for my clothes.  So I put in a load of clothes, added the organic apple cider vinegar to the softening cycle, put the rest of the quart bottle of apple cider vinegar in a pail of very warm water, sat back with Egbert Tolle’s book and enjoyed a fantastic morning and was more than ready for the afternoon’s activities.  And NO! You cannot substitute White Vinegar.  It is a coal tar derivative or some such thing and not a substitute for anything.  I don’t even use White Vinegar to clean my house.  Only Organic Apple Cider Vinegar does the job.


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The Labyrinth

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