Post Office Failing?
comment received from a Bettina Network bed & breakfast guest about the blog “Why the Post Office is Failing?
“Thank you for that blog. Really, one truly never knows what will appear on your blog.
I was delighted to see this topic because it has to do with one of my pet peeves – the technology people, the computer programmers and others in that same area use their technology knowledge and assume it is everything. So what is happening here is the tech area telling the rest of us how we now have to do business. Technology is a staff function. It supports the rest. It has become the only function in charge with everything else taking a secondary seat and sometimes supporting, but most times just pushed out of the way as though generations of experience don’t matter, only the increasing tech takeover of everything in this society.
I’ve seen many places where this is true. This post office box thing is indicative of how the tech area will change the rest of society and not always for the better. In fact, most times it is for the worst.
You don’t have to be a business to have run into this problem. My personal address is a post office box number because I travel a lot. I don’t want mail accumulating outside my door when I am gone and I don’t want to put a stop on my mail at the post office so my brilliant alternative was to have a P. O. Box. I can pick up my mail when I am in town and no problems. However, I am having the same problem – I can’t get a lot of things on line because of my Post Office Box. My co-worker also travels and has a post office box with xxxxxxxxxxx (Editor’s wipe out). She has no problems because her post office box has a street address and suite number. I didn’t follow her example because it costs more and I couldn’t justify the extra expense. If this becomes more common, as it seems to be on that path, the Post Office will suffer declines in income from this part of their service.
Keep up the good work. Root out all of the problems – then its up to the rest of us to fix them. Hopefully, we will not be too lethargic to address this problem and others. All it takes is many, many people protesting to change this.”
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