Pineapple Skins for Health and Beauty
A suggestion we picked up from a guest from Ghana on using the skins of a pineapple to help cure a fever.
This is something Hillary Clinton could have used to deal with the fever which apparently caused her trouble at the 9/11 Memorial. A little steam infused with pineapple skins before going to the Memorial might have eliminated her problems.
Take the skins of two pineapples – I chose two for very arbitrary reasons. We had fresh organic pineapple for breakfast and used two pineapples.
Fill a large soup pot with water, add the skins from the two pineapples and bring to a boil.
Let this boil for about 20 minutes.
Put your face over the soup pot while it is boiling and make a tent over your head with a large towel to trap the steam. Let the steam get into your pores. Keep your head covered with the tent and over the pot for about five minutes.
This should take care of your fever and in addition, your face will look fantastic as the nutrients from the pineapple skin get into your skin as you let the steam get into your pores.
It will also give you a great hairdo. The steam will make your hair look as though it has increased four fold.
This is an old recipe from Ghana to cure the fever. We added the side beauty treatment to remove wrinkles, produce a beautiful gleam to your skin and do a little feeding of the skin in the process.
We could take this one step further and suggest you use the pineapple skins to make tea. It is done the same way. However, for tea, we suggest you take it to the next level and add fresh organic ginger before boiling the pineapple skins – skin and slice the ginger, add it to the pineapple skins with either honey, maple syrup or organic turbinado sugar to taste. You will have a wonderful tea to put in glass jars until you want to either heat and serve this as a proper tea – or drink it cold. Either way it is exceptionally good.
Let us know, via email, your experience with this.
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