PERJURY – Part 2 – Dr. Bennett
We would like to pick up on this with the “fall” Dr. Bennett had which resulted in his going to Beth Israel Hospital in November.
Dr. Bennett was two days out of eye surgery. He had a moulded plastic eye piece on his eye. He stumbled over a chair and fell. It was not a traumatic fall. From the information we were able to obtain, Dr. Bennett fell from about two feet. That information was available to Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary neither one of which were interested in pursuing that line of investigation. In fact, from our information they did not investigate at all – they looked for gossip, stories, what they could find to fit their preconceived results to build a case to fit their need to take power and control over this family as they have over others.
When Dr. Bennett went to Beth Israel, there was no mention of a “brain bleed”. His medical records will show there was no “brain bleed” and Ms. Al-Wetaid knows or should have known, if she did a proper investigation, that the “brain bleed” she claims happened in November, 2019, in fact, did not happen.
As we checked, at the end of Dr. Bennett’s stay at Beth Israel which was one day and one night this is what we found: their conclusion was that the one time he vomited was that it could have come from his fall, but it could also have come from something he ate. They found nothing which would go one way or the other.
It has been verified that he did not have a “brain bleed”. It has also been verified that Beth Israel did not recommend the transfer to BIDMC hospital in Boston because they found a “brain bleed.” It has been verified that the BIDMC transfer was because they had the equipment necessary to diagnose what happened and if there had been such.
It has also been verified that BIDMC did not recommend transfer to a rehabilitation facility. There was no referral to visiting nurse services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing). The fall was minor and is now being used by Ms. Al-Wetaid to attempt to put in place a case to attempt to remove Rev. Dr. Bennett from his home with claims that are much exaggerated, that fit the storyline Ms. Al-Wetaid is trying to promote and which are not true and easily verified as being untrue.
We have also confirmed that this entire thing was started by Ms. Aronowitz and that she has had a very bad relationship with her mother for decades.
Most recently, her mother, Ms. Donaldson, put her property up for sale. All of this comes shortly after her mother took the property off the market because she could not handle the way Ms. Aronowitz and her family went through the house against Ms. Donaldson’s wishes and in spite of her constantly begging Ms. Aronowitz to not destroy the house as they were doing, Ms. Aronowitz and her family went through the Donaldson home – ripped things off the walls leaving holes – re-arranged furniture which Ms. Donaldson asked her not to touch – took pictures off the walls against Ms. Donaldson’s wishes – took beautiful antiques and put them in the basement where lamps and lamp shades and other invaluable pieces were destroyed. At the same time, furniture was given away which Ms. Donaldson was keeping because they were pieces with family history – these Ms. Aronowitz and her family gave away.
This is the background of the person who started this bizarre attack on a very substantial Cambridge family with no history of any of what Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services is now creating as the story line for their attack to take them down and destroy their assets. Apparently, getting ready for those assets to go to others. Our question – Whites?
While this is what started this investigation, it was up to the Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services to make sure there was a reason to start this investigation because there is often the case where one family member will move to totally disrupt their family for many reasons. This should be a strong part of what the investigation goes into, but that is not true with Somerville Cambridge Protective Services. From our investigation they apparently almost never do that if the case is one they want to take into their quasi state agency for reasons we are now investigating.
Somerville Cambridge Protective Services moved ahead, without investigating nor questioning why Malica Aronowitz moved against her African American step-father.
We are investigating why they are moving against a family they knew should not have been investigated by them and they also, on information and belief, discovered that there was a reason for the complaint filed by Ms. Aronowitz which had nothing to do with Dr. Bennett nor his health. It was a convenient time and family happening on which they could build a case and take yet another person out of their family without cause and with the structures they built and placed around that family which was not true, but a creation of the Protective Services workers imagination to make sure they had yet another case – and one with large assets – which could be attacked and taken down.
It is also interesting that many of the people so investigated by the Protective and Elder Services groups who are attacked – and whose assets are destroyed and removed, if not most, are minorities, particularly African Americans.
Attorney O’Sullivan knew, or should have known that and Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary knew that the Health Care Proxy they asked the Court to validate had been not been signed by Dr. Bennett yet they moved ahead in spite of that claiming they were doing what was best for Dr. Bennett. The ethics of anyone who is given the very large responsibility of acting as Health Care Proxy for another individual is very important. The Health Care Proxy was established to insure that a person’s wishes were respected and clearly this is yet another area where Dr. Bennett’s rights have been stripped by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services without a thought and especially without acting in an ethical and moral way.
We have discovered through our investigation that Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary bonded with Ms. Aronowitz to get her involved and supportive of their need to destroy her family and have taken information she gave them, expanded it to fit their storyline and continue to move purposefully as they did when Dr. Bennett went to Beth Israel Hospital for what was a small problem, but was done for the Bennett/Donaldsons need to make sure Dr. Bennett was fine after a fall that was turned into something it was not by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services.
From our investigation, this is only one of many such transgressions engaged in by Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary backed by Attorney O’Sullivan.
We have much more of the lies we have found in this case. We have been asked to hold off on publishing the rest because this is going to Court.
As soon as we are able to publish more we will because we feel the public needs to know what is going on in their society which could very well influence their future. You may be young today, but you are aging and will have to deal with people like this as your family ages and as you age.
I am sure Ms. Donaldson had no idea her own daughter would create such a problem for the family.