Perjury #5 – Insurance Fraud – Medical Malpractice – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

Robert Bennett’s Primary Care Physician is Dr. Kehlmann with the Washington Sq. Group in Brookline, MA. He was recommended by Maliça Aronowitz because he is her Primary Care Physician.

He has seen Robert Bennett once. He met Robert Bennett’s wife once and that was for Robert Bennett’s visit to his office where he talked to Robert Bennett not at all, but talked about him to Maliça Aronowitz. Ms. Donaldson was totally ignored during the visit so these are people Dr. Kehlmann barely knows.

Ms. Donaldson called Dr. Kehlmann mid-February to ask about an appointment for Dr. Bennett to see Dr. Kehlmann. She did not talk to Dr. Kehlman because he was very busy and could not take the telephone. She explained her husband had fallen and she wanted to make sure he was alright. The person who answered the telephone put her on hold for quite a long period of time and came back to say – sorry, Dr. Kehlmann would see Dr. Bennett when he returned. He was not taking any more appointments because he was going on a short vacation and would see Dr. Bennett when he returned.

Ms. Donaldson asked about a referral to a neurologist because she had just discovered that should have happened during their visit to Dr. Kehlmann in November after Dr. Bennett’s first fall because of eye surgery. They went to Beth Israel where the people in residence found four small dots on Dr. Bennett’s CT Scan. They could not tell if those were new or old or even if they were caused by blood so Dr. Bennett should see a neurologist before their next visit to Dr. Kehlmann so there would be a CT Scan showing if those four dots were still the same or if they had been leaking liquids into the brain cavity.

The answer to Ms. Donaldson’s request for Dr. Bennett to be referred to a neurologist especially since Dr. Kehlmann could not see him for a bit of time – after again being put on hold for a substantial period of time – was that Dr. Kehlmann did not know any neurologists to which to refer them.

Dr. Bennett had an appointment a few days later with Dr. Green, a podiatrist. That appointment was supposedly cancelled by Dr. Green’s office. When Ms. Donaldson called his office to ask for another appointment very soon because Dr. Bennett’s feet needed to be cared for she was told Dr. Green did not cancel the appointment it was cancelled by Ms. Donaldson’s daughter. Dr. Green made the appointment for the same day and time since that cancelled time slot was still open.

In Dr. Green’s office, Ms. Donaldson asked Dr. Green if he would recommend and/or refer them to a neurologist. Dr. Green said that was Dr. Kehlmann’s job and she should ask him. Ms. Donaldson said she had already done that and Dr. Kehlmann said he didn’t know any neurologists to whom to refer them. We are sure Dr. Green will remember that. They were also with another person for that visit who does remember the exchange.


Back to Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid’s affidavit:

15 (c) “PSD did ultimately reach PCP who is familiar with Mr. Bennett and his wife.”

Our investigated response: PCP – Dr. Kehlmann is totally unfamiliar with Mr. Bennett and has spoken less than a dozen words to Dr. Bennett’s wife . These are two people he treated very shabbily. He has seen them once and we don’t think he would be able to identify either Dr. Bennett’s wife or Dr. Bennett if someone didn’t first tell him who they were.

From our investigation, Dr. Kehlman knows them from one visit of about 20 minutes or less, during which time Ms. Donaldson gave the nurse practitioner in Dr. Kehlmann’s presence the Health Care Proxy created by Mr. Don McInnis – the probate attorney – who rectified the problem Dr. Bennett had with the Health Care Proxy which was used when Dr. Bennett went to Beth Israel Hospital. That was a Health Care Proxy about which Dr. Bennett knew nothing, didn’t sign, did not have the person he wanted as his Health Care Proxy, but named someone else.

From Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit it seems clear that Dr. Kehlmann is very difficult to reach.

16) “On Tuesday March 3rd several steps were taken to address immediate safety concerns.”

Our investigated response: On March 3rd, at about 10:30am, eight policemen and five or six EMT’s arrived at the Donaldson home demanding to take Dr. Bennett to Mount Auburn Hospital. They had no Court documents, but showed Ms. Donaldson a cell phone with the supposed Court document on the screen. Ms. Donaldson said no one was going anyplace without their seeing a Court Document. After some time, one of the police produced a Court Document and they took Dr. Bennett out of the house. He was dressed and he and Ms. Donaldson were about to go out, instead he went with the police, walked down the stairs, the police refused to allow him to go to the hospital in Ms. Donaldson’s car or to walk to the ambulance. He was put on a hospital gurney which had been sitting on the sidewalk with police and EMT’s around it, a couple policemen on the porch with others surging out of the house surrounding Dr. Bennett. People were running from the Charles River to see what was happening because it was quite a public show the way the police handled the entire situation. In fact, this entire show could be a movie shown in a KKK movie house and the people there would be more than satisfied. The racist tropes follow all throughout what happens with Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. Clearly, with everything else, racism is alive and well and taking center stage.

Ms Donaldson insisted he be taken to Mass General instead of Mount Auburn Hospital since he was recently released from Mass General after brain surgery. The police agreed and took Dr. Bennett to Mass General Hospital under a “section 12”.

We have subsequently discovered that “sectioning” is the way many black men are being picked up off the street, in their homes, etc. and incarcerated in the hospital. No crimes committed, no medical need, no psychiatric problems of any kind. They are incarcerated for a month and sometimes more while things go on with their home, family and assets to their detriment. Ms. Donaldson received a telephone call from a friend from high school who called because he read the first Bettina Network Blog about Dr. Bennett and wanted Ms. Donaldson to know he had just experienced the same thing. The police picked him up, no one was home and he was not allowed to leave a note or anything else and it took him four weeks to get to a telephone to call his son. His son went through legal and other means to get him out of the hospital. It was so similar that to us it was a scary look into the future of how this society intends to deal with minorities who they cannot touch or incarcerate in other ways. All of the black men who contacted us who had been through similar problems ended up with their assets gone, their families destroyed and they had to fight their way out of a nursing home, which was apparently the way their assets were taken. We are seeing the same pattern surrounding Dr. Bennett and a pattern which includes turning his wife into a very negative influence who has to be either removed permanently or so discredited the same affect is achieved.

In Dr. Bennett’s case, attorney James O’Sullivan moved in such ugly court actions that truth left the room and did not return. It was say and do what was needed to get the desired result whether real, truthful or not.

16) (a) “Protective Services Psychiatirst Dr. Rebecca Warner was consulted about case.”

16 (b) “Dr. Warner contacted PCP’s office and spoke about concerns. PCP agreed that this is high-risk situation and that Dr. Bennett needed to return to hospital. PCP felt that Mass General was best facility since they last treated Dr. Bennett.”

16 (c) PSW Clary continued attempts to reach medical providers at MGH to discuss situation and that their discharge plan was unsuccessful.

Our Investigated response: This was also amazing to us since neither Ms. Clary nor any of the others running around talking to whoever, violating Dr. Bennett’s privacy had any reason to be involved in this at all. They simply inserted themselves and have caused huge problems for everyone, especially Dr. Bennett, who was not allowed to recover from his surgery, but was made the object of a falsified investigation which was carried on in a very outlandish way for reasons that totally escape us. We have never seen anything this hysterical nor a drama performed which would be worthy of the KKK in the 1930’s (to quote Ms. Donaldson). It amounts to a take over of another person’s life and family for no reason other than to satisfy the programming requirements of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services? And to justify Dr. Kehlmann’s neglect of a patient which could have caused serious damage if Dr. Pilgrim had not stepped in.

16 (d) Ms. Al-Wetaid once again introduces comments from a “neurosurgeon” who she does not identify by name. This is the second time she has done this so we have no way to investigate what she is putting out as “fact”.

16 (i) “Neurosurgeon was concerned that Mr. Bennett was not in rehab at this time, was not taking medications.”

Our investigated response: Ms. Al-Wetaid apparently neglected to tell the neurosurgeon why Dr. Bennett was not in rehab. The rehab to which Dr. Bennett was sent was quarantined because of patients with the flu. The patients with the flu were not separated from the rest of the patients. The rehab institution had experienced the same kind of quarantine just months before and – according to the receptionist – only a couple of patients caught the flu from that experience so we didn’t have to worry.

Given what is all over the news today that was a good decision on the part of Dr. Bennett and his wife. Ms. Al-Wetaid goes on to say Dr. Bennett was not taking medications. Which is amazing since Ms. Al-Wetaid did not know this. Neither did she nor anyone associated with Ms. Al-Wetaid know anything about whether or not Dr. Bennett had medications and did not know if he was taking medications.

We assume she means the 10 to 12 bottles of pills Dr. Bennett was sent home with after his five week forced stay in Mass General Hospital. None of which were prescribed by any doctor and were all over-the-counter pills. That is a part of the pattern Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary expect to be put down with anyone who goes to the hospital no matter how short or long their stay and if medicines are not prescribed – and from our check – even if medicines are prescribed, many over-the-counter bottles are added to just about every person who goes through the Elder and Protective Services route winds up with many non-prescription pills to take.

16 (d) ii – “Neurosurgeon was surprised to hear that Mr. Bennett had been able to sign a new HCP given that he was alert and oriented to self and place and sometimes only to self on the day he signed the new HCP form.”

Our investigated response: That was amazing to us since this unidentified Neurosurgeon was passing judgment on another Mass General Hospital’s Employee whose job it is to oversee such and who appears in Court and otherwise checks on the HCP’s which come into Mass General. It was also amazing to us since the Health Care Proxy who was Dr. Bennett’s choice when he entered Mass General Hospital had not been changed. The only change made in this new HCP was to correct a typo made on the original HCP because the Mass General person who takes care of such thought it was a small error, but one that was better corrected before Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett left the hospital. She thought they would be safer under that circumstance since there were people running all over the hospital in every corner looking for everything they could find about Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson.

16 (d) iii “Neurosurgeon remarked that Mr. Bennett was “vulnerable” and did require medical follow-up post surgery and nothing has been scheduled yet and Mr. Bennett is without a primary care physician based on wife’s report.”

Our investigated report: We do not understand this neurosurgeons remarks since Ms. Donaldson did not report that Dr. Bennett was without a primary care physician. She did let the doctors at MGH know she was unhappy with his current Primary Care Physician because of the way she had to circumvent everything traditionally done through the PCP to get Dr. Bennett treated for his fall in a timely fashion since the current PCP specifically put off seeing Dr. Bennett until the PCP’s return from his vacation.

16 (d) iv “Neurosurgeon remarked that Dr. Bennett does require his blood pressure medications and that with high blood pressure he was at increased risk of brain bleed and further traumatic brain injury.”

Our investigated response. At this point in time, Dr. Bennett had already been removed to Mass General Hospital after the filing of a section 12 so this investigation with all of these comments are confusing. They seem to be in this place because of the need to shore up a very weak story which needs the embellishing it is current receiving via Ms. Al-Wetaid.

16 (d) v “Neurosurgeon expressed concern about Mr. Bennett’s ability to advocate for his own medical needs, understand his case requirements or signing of a new health care proxy form.”

Our investigated response: All of these comments seem to have the same reason for being. They are needed to shore up the case Ms. Al-Wetaid is creating so she and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services can justify the fact that they have already taken over Dr. Bennett by declaring he is a psychiatric, drug, or alcoholic risks to the community and has already had him picked up by the police. None of this seems to have been mentioned to anyone Ms. Al-Wetaid is talking to. This is also happening the day after Dr. Bennett left the rehab for good cause. The neurosurgeon also does not seem to know that the only difference between the old HCP and the new one Dr. Bennett signed was a typo of one letter from the old corrected in the new one.

16 (e) “After speaking to Primary Care Physician, reviewing Protective Services record and information obtained from neurosurgeon, PS Psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Warner assisted in facilitating section 12 to get Mr. Bennett back to the hospital due to significant safety concerns.

Our Investigated response: This date is March 4th, 2020. Dr. Bennett was picked up by police with a form signed by a psychologist who had never seen, nor examined, nor had any knowledge of Dr. Bennett except what was told to the psychologist by Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary. That totally violates what the section 12 is supposed to be about and is supposed to do.

When this form was signed, Dr. Bennett had been discharged from Mass General Hospital after having been picked up on a section 12 and forced into the hospital against his will. Mass General Hospital discharged him because they found he should not have been so picked up; there were no medicines prescribed; and his vital signs were normal including his blood pressure.

16 (e) “After speaking to Primary Care Physician, reviewing Protective Services record and information obtained from neurosurgeon (the one unnamed) PS psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Warner assisted in facilitating section 12 to get Mr. Bennett back to the hospital due to significant safety concerns.”

Our investigated response. Dr. Bennett had already been discharged from Mass General Hospital at 3:30am on March 4th with no safety concerns at all and as we stated above no medicines prescribed, normal vital signs and comments that he should not have been picked up in the first place. There was nothing in section 12 justifying what happened to Dr. Bennett.

16 (f) “Mr. Bennett was transported to Mass General on this date.”

Our investigated response: There is no date specified in 16 (f) because this was apparently created to attach with a Protective Order both of which were playing games with the Court by leaving out significant information which probably would have made a huge difference in the Court’s decision.

For example, if the Court knew:

Dr. Bennett had been picked up on a section 12 on March 3rd and discharged on March 4th at a 3:30am —- and—-

that this action, prepared and filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services with Attorney James O’Sullivan as their attorney – was doing the same thing again for the second time within 24-48 hours —-and—

if the Court knew Dr. Bennett had been discharged from Mass General hospital at 3:30am on March 4th with no reason for him having been picked up on March 3rd —-and—-

that this was being prepared on March 4th after Dr. Bennett had been released from the first Section 12 this same group prepared and filed for Dr. Bennett to be picked up on March 3rd

That they were preparing to do again what had already been done which resulted in a ‘lifting of the section 12’ with a result that said “no medicines prescribed”. A section 12 that was filed with the psychiatrist never having met, nor seen, nor examined Dr. Bennett as the section 12 calls for;

And if the Court had been told that the real reason for a new HCP being put in place was to simply correct a typo instead of a characterization of the “new” HCP as containing “new” information and especially the claim that this “new” HCP changed the Proxy.

If the Court had been told that Ms. Al-Wetaid’s claim that Dr. Bennett was not aware enough to know what was going on was not true and that proven from a statement which would have been filed by the Mass General Hospital employee who created this “new” HCP?.

Ms. Al-Wetaid and apparently also Attorney James O’Sullivan kept from the Court the fact that the HCP under question had been signed November 18, 2019 instead of the claim Ms. Al-Wetaid made for the Court that something altogether new had been signed after Dr. Bennett’s surgery;

If the Court had known that the HCP was the same one on the HCP when Dr. Bennett entered the hospital as it was on the day they claim all of this “new” stuff happened when they claimed Dr. Bennett could not understand what he was signing and witnesses would have submitted statements saying exactly the opposite – that Dr. Bennett knew exactly what he was signing and had a lot to say about not wanting Ms. Aronowitz as his HCP – would the Court result have then forced on Dr. Bennett and validated an HCP which Dr. Bennett did not want – had not signed – with a Proxy he did not want? Do we have the kind of Court that would have sanctioned that?

It is the law that the other side should be given notice for such hearings to keep this kind of camouflage, lies and deception from happening with the people involved going through horrendous, vicious and totally unnecessary suffering as Dr. Bennett and his family have experienced from such actions – allowed to happen because only one side knew of the hearing and only one side was allowed to present evidence that they conjured up and shaped to fit the result they wanted.

In addition, from the papers prepared on March 4th to incarcerate Dr. Bennett in the hospital those were served for the transport of Dr. Bennett to Mass General Hospital on March 6th after 6pm when Dr. Bennett and his wife were just sitting down to a candlelight dinner with his son and daughter who had just arrived to spend the weekend with him.

A distinction between the original papers signed and the March 4th papers signed is the destination. The March 3rd papers had Mount Auburn Hospital as its destination for Dr. Bennett – the March 4th papers had Mass General Hospital as its destination for Dr. Bennett.


16 (g) ” PSW and PSD both reached out to MGH treatment team from last hospitalization and requested their advocacy to ensure Mr. Bennett was not discharged. All agreed to assist and help Emergency Department team better understand the situation and background.”


Our investigated response: This absolutely stunned us. This is a conspiracy to rob Dr. Bennett of his rights as a citizen; to incarcerate him in MGH indefinitely even after MGH had already determined the reasons he was now being sent back by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services; Dr. Kehlman – the PCP; Attorney James O’Sullivan and unnamed employees of MGH was not valid and they had already discharged him less than 48 hours ago – this was now a “team” whose goal was to keep Dr. Bennett in MGH incarcerated with no ability to get up and walk out and no reason medical or otherwise for him to have been picked up by the police either March 3rd or March 6th. The timing of the March 6th incarceration being a Friday evening after 6pm added to the imprisonment which was being planned to destroy Dr. Bennett.

We do not find “destroy” too strong a word, because what we are seeing from people who have contacted us, this has happened in the past to others. The pattern and practices here is to incarcerate the person in the hospital for one month or more; to have a law suit ready upon the person’s discharge to continue the incarceration in a nursing home with their guardianship transferred to a corporation or other institution friendly to the incarcerators or those imprisoning people for nefarious motives; to have the institution filing for the guardianship to move the person to a nursing home where their health and wealth are stolen. To make the claim of ‘incapacitated’ whether the person is ‘incapacitated’ or not and ignoring of the fact that the person’s family does not want this to happen and have been there for their family member. The family is removed and/or their assets stripped in the process of trying to get their beloved family member out of the claws and clutches of this greed. When that person’s assets are gone, if the person is not dead, then they are discharged from the nursing home onto the street – either penniless or dependent upon the care and generosity of family who were moved aside so this stripping of a person of their health and wealth could happen.

16 (h) “PS Psychiatrist was contacted by Mass General ED informing her that the ED social worker was consulting with their general counsel regarding the validity of the HCP form signed Friday 2/28”

Our investigated response: We don’t know what to make of 16 (h). Ms. Al-Wetaid has a way of twisting things instead of saying outright what needs to be said. The attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Mr. James O’Sullivan – went to Court, received from the Court the right to have a hearing without anyone from Dr. Bennett’s side of this knowing anything about the hearing and when in Court misrepresented quite a bit to the Court to be able to get the Protective Order which kept Dr. Bennett in Mass General for five weeks not for medical reasons, but for this horribleness which no one should experience.

One of the things in that Protective Order was the invalidation of the HCP which Mass General created because of the typo in the HCP created on November 18, 2019. Ms. Al-Wetaid had Mr. O’Sullivan put in the place of that invalidated HCP one which Dr. Bennett had not signed, knew nothing about and had a Proxy Dr. Bennett had been vocal that he did not want. Because that was a Court action there was not much the general counsel for Mass General could do about what Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services brought to them as a ‘fait accompli.’

Mass General Hospital’s general counsel had a couple choices – violate the patients wishes as expressed to Mass General personnel who handled HCP’s; violate the HCP which the Mass General personnel corrected with one typo correction; or violate the Court Order. I don’t think it took them long to make a choice as to which they would follow.

16 (i) “PSD spoke with ED social worker as well.”

16 (i) i “PSD expressed concerns Protective Services has, highlighting all of those mentioned above and that we feel that if Mr. Bennett returns home, he would be at high-risk given wife’s long history of not making appropriate medical decisions.”

Our Investigated response: That is a highly charged statement and we think it would be considered perjury since Protective Services knew Dr. Bennett was in Mass General originally brought there by his wife after the refusal of his Primary Care Physician to see him after a fall – yet PSD and PSW were working extensively with the PCP who they saw as a positive, influential person concerned about Dr. Bennett in spite of his history with Dr. Bennett. the Protective Services knew Dr. Bennett’s entire life was one in which he had as little medical services as possible so being the Proxy it would be incumbent upon the wife to respect Dr. Bennett’s life long choices.

In addition, while Ms. Al-Wetaid claims Dr. Bennett would be at high risk at home “given wife’s long history of not making appropriate medical decisions” – Ms. Al-Wetaid does not give one example of those inappropriate medical decisions.

Both Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett are in very good health and have been all of their lives. Neither has been in the hospital for anything and both have all of their faculties. With Dr. Bennett being 87 years old and recovered from the horrible way he was treated throughout all of this and Ms. Donaldson being 82 years old with both working full time 6 days a week I don’t understand the concern Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary have. We should think they would be looking to learn from Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson the secrets to their healthy living. These statements, more than the others show the fake and falseness of what Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary claim as their reason for attempting to take over the lives of people like Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett who have expressed many times they wanted nothing to do with them or their medical remedies. Both Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson have the right to make that decision and neither and none of the pseudo medical groups have the right to do what Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary have done in the name of their “concern.”

The medical decisions made for Dr. Bennett which went seriously wrong were made and forced on him by his step-daughter who thought she was doing the right thing, but with which Ms. Donaldson disagreed and which turned out to be disastrous for Dr. Bennett.

Dr. Bennett’s step-daughter painted a picture for Dr. Bennett – a consummate reader – that he would be able to see almost, but not quite perfectly if he had his cataracts removed. What was not considered by the step-daughter and not explained to Dr. Bennett either by Ms. Aronowitz or the eye doctor who did the surgery was the fact that at 86 the cataract surgery probably would not work. He would not be able to see any better after than before the removal of the cataract. The eye doctor should have said that to Dr. Bennett and Ms. Aronowitz, but he did not. We found that through a lot of very thorough research.

The eye surgery to remove a cataract resulted in a fall. That was the first time Dr. Bennett fell and in spite of the fact that the reason was the eye surgery we discovered Protective and Elder Services tried very hard to make it seem as though Dr. Bennett fell constantly. One woman on White 10 told us Dr. Bennett fell after every couple steps because he had lost his ability to walk without help.

That amazed us because when we checked that was not true and Dr. Bennett today walks about a mile a day to keep his strength, balance and ability to function as keen as possible, especially after the disastrous keeping him in bed constantly for five weeks that happened at Mass General Hospital. To put alarms under an 87 year old man to make sure he stays in bed for that long a period of time should be a criminal offense.

The cataract surgery was a total failure and Dr. Bennett saw less after than before. The corneal transplant which Ms. Donaldson tried to stop, but the step-daughter of Dr. Bennett pushed him to have, turned out to be more disastrous than the cataract surgery since Dr. Bennett’s peripheral vision was destroyed in the process and he did not acquire an improved ability to see.

The choice of Dr. Bennett’s PCP – Dr. Kehlmann – was made by his step daughter who pushed that through also and the PCP is the one who created a mess when Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett tried to have the PCP take a look at him after a second fall which came from the corneal transplant surgery and Dr. Kehlmann would not and did not refer Dr. Bennett to anyone else in his Washington Square Group of medical doctors, because he was getting ready to go on vacation and did not have the time. If Ms. Donaldson had not continued to call friends looking for a referral to a neurologist because of that last fall and if a friend had not referred her to Dr. Pilgrim who advised Ms. Donaldson to take Dr. Bennett by ambulance to Mass General, which she did, who knows what the result would have been.

The difference between Dr. Pilgrim and Dr. Kehlmann – Dr. Pilgrim who was not Dr. Bennett’s PCP or neurologist and who was in the middle of a family crisis still took the time to respond to Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett with very good advice. Dr. Kehlmann blew them off because his priority was his vacation.

And who did the PCP and Attorney O’Sullivan have re-validated as Dr. Bennett’s Proxy, but the step daughter who caused all of the confusion and upset in the middle of all this and who both Dr. Kehlmann and on information and belief so did Attorney O’Sullivan know caused these problems, but because of the ability to manipulate the step-daughter and not knowing or being able to manipulate Ms. Donaldson, their choice was to choose a lesser result for Dr. Bennett’s life and health which apparently is a better result for the two of them.

They both also knew Dr. Bennett had not signed the HCP and did not know anything about it. They knew this before asking the Court to revalidate Dr. Bennett’s health care proxy naming Ms. Aronowitz as the proxy. They both also knew the HCP created by probate attorney Mr. Don McInnis for Dr. Bennett was created on November 18, 2019 and there was no last minute change or substitution or anything of the kind in the Mass General HCP which was created because of a typo which needed to be corrected. All of the Protective Services people also knew of the above, but went along with getting a Court order without telling any of the above to the judge. Ms. Al-Wetaid is very careful to insure that none of this slips into her affidavit.

That about parallels the way the Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services people operate. As we go through this investigation, we have never encountered such abusive people in life and these are the people who are working to protect the elderly from abuse.

More to follow under Perjury #6


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