Perjury #4 – Insurance Fraud – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!
This is the continuation of a comparison of Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit which was used by Attorney O’Sullivan to get a Protective Order charging Ms. Donaldson of abusing her husband; changing the Health Care Proxy for Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and more. That affidavit formed the basis from which all that has come after. Attorney O’Sullivan knows and has not changed his Method of operating – which says to us this is what he wants and the truth he needs to be following as an attorney is irrelevant.
Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid show how they view truth by their statements – with Ms. Al-Wetaid under oath while also quoting Ms. Clary – who we assume would have challenged statements made in her name if she considered them false.
14) – of Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit
Their entire thing – from (a)through (i) is sheer fairy tale, made up to bolster her story and push forward this action against Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. Please note the racial stereotypes in all of this because in the end it comes down to extreme racism and sexism. We have heard from many people and we can tell those who are African American because their stories so parallel one another.
Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Mr. Bennett’s wife welcomes us into the home and met with us”
Our investigated response – True as far as it goes. They represented themselves as “friends” concerned about Dr. Bennett – heard he was home and they came to see how they could help.
Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Mr. Bennett was on second floor and attempted to come down flight of stairs before wife was able to stop him’ wife recognizes that stairs are unsafe for him.”
Our investigated response – Not true and this second floor thing is truly confused saying to us it was clearly made up. Mr. Bennett was on the second floor, did not attempt to come down the flight of stairs and his wife did not attempt to stop him. Dr. Bennett was sitting in his bed/sitting room having ice cream. Dr. Bennett had just left Sherrill House and was enjoying being home when Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary arrived as “friends” to welcome him home.
Into this (b) Ms. Al-Wetaid slips in the comment ‘stairs are unsafe for him.’ Since Dr. Bennett fell twice – both times related to eye surgery we would think Ms. Al-Wetaid would related this to being eye surgery, for which he was too old to have undergone was not safe for him. Especially since Dr. Bennett had gone up and down the stairs many times before and after Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary arrived.
“Mr. Bennett joined us in conversation in his bedroom sitting area along with his wife.”
Our investigated response – Dr. Bennett did not join them. He left the room shortly after they arrived in the room and spent the rest of the time reading in another bedroom. When we asked – Dr. Bennett took an instant dislike to both Ms. Al -Wetaid and Ms. Clary because “I sensed they were not about what they claimed. They reeked of dishonesty and I just wasn’t feeling charitable to ignore that.”
The statement is true, but not in the context in which Ms. Al-Wetaid puts it. There was no discussion with Ms. Donaldson about taking her husband out of the rehab. There was no discussion about Dr. Bennett except the beginning discussion which was about how happy everyone was that he was home and safe.
Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Wife did demonstrate understanding of high-risk if Ms. Bennett were to fall again.”
Our investigated response – We didn’t know what to do with this since it is a statement hanging out there with no examples, no proof, no nothing to support it. It seemed more support of Ms. Al-Wetaids story line than anything real.
Ms. Al-Wetaid – During the conversation PSW and PSD attempted to explore plans for follow-up medical care, including PCP appointments, alternate rehab placement, visiting nurse and home care referrals.”
Our investigated response – There was no such conversation with two people who represented themselves as “friends” and did not identify themselves as PSW and PSD.
Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Wife explained that she had fired Mr. Bennett’s Primary Care Physician and wanted to find a new one.”
Our investigated réponse – No such conversation happened. We understand Ms. Donaldson is unhappy with Dr. Bennett’s Primary Care Physician, however, she said nothing about that to either woman. This conversation happened the day Dr. Bennett returned home from surgery and an unhappy day at Sherrill House.
Ms. Al-Wetaid -“PSW and PSDd attempted to engage in discussion about Mr. Bennett’s health issues. Wife reported that Mr. Bennett has no health issues and has no prescribed medications.
i. We found out that he is in fact prescribed two blood pressure medications, a blood thinner and an anti-seizure medication.
ii. Mr. Bennett is diagnosed with dementia, hypertension, subdural hematoma, evidence of at least four head injuries, history of stroke, history of falls.”
Our investigated response – We don’t know how to respond to this. Again, there was no discussion of Dr. Bennett, his health or anything beyond the weather and that level of conversation. This seems to us more of setting the scene for what was to follow rather than anything real. We are especially concerned to know where all of that information came from – most looks as though it was created in fairy tale fashion. We know for a fact that anti-seizure medication would not have been prescribed – unless the doctor/surgeon who prescribed it was totally incompetent. We know that from our research on such. Anti-Seizure medication after a surgery such as Dr. Bennett had would not be prescribed for home use. It would have been used for seven days – during which Dr. Bennett was in the hospital and it would probably have been given to him during that time, but not sent home as a prescription for him to have following that surgery.
At this point – we realized this conversation as reported by Ms. Al-Wetaid is very dangerous. It goes way over the top to make sure Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett would be seriously destroyed for whatever reason Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary needed that to happen and they were setting up a very serious case to a do just that. We know the information above about Dr. Bennett’s medical history would not have been found where one would have found such information because at least one part of it was seriously made-up. We would say it is outright lying and/or guessing given Ms. Al-Wetaids and Ms. Clary’s medical knowledge to achieve their end goal.
Ms. Al-Wetaid – “When asked about how she planned to follow-up on his medical care and any follow-up appointments, wife had no concrete plans and did not have interest in visiting nurse or home care services.
Our investigated response – Again, this conversation is being created as they go along – or is the way they deal with an investigation – all of this cited after the fact to meet their internal needs as “Protective Services” employees. This is destructive of life, freedom, recovery from surgery and many other possible medical situations. This is an example of those hired by an agency about preventing elder abuse and caring for the elderly being actually people engaging in elder abuse, making sure they have control of the elderly because their program has goals to be met and this is how they go about meeting their program needs. It is a horrendous situation and will not end well.”
Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Following the home visit and being concerned with Mr. Bennett not taking prescribed medications, not receiving any follow-up care, no visiting nurses and no plan for medical care, PSD contacted PCP and the rehab that Mr. Bennett was discharged from.”
Our investigated response – What strikes us as really amazing is that Ms. Al-Wetaid is so into her fairy story she does not realize she is blaming lots of what Mr. Bennett does not have is not doing nor receiving on Monday. From our information, Dr. Bennett left Sherrill House rehab on Monday afternoon shortly before Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid arrived at their home disguised as “friends” saying nothing about their professional jobs nor affiliations.
Ms. Al-Wetaid gives this indictment of so much she claims was not done when this was just a couple hours after Dr. Bennett returned home.
15a through b
Ms. Al-Wetaid – 15 a)” PSD attempted to reach PCP Dr. Kehlman and left message.
15 b) i “RN informed PSD that Mr. Bennett was in rehab less than 15 hours and never had an assessment completed so she could not speak to his specific care needs.”
Our investigated response – Dr. Bennett was in rehab at Sherrill House from about 2pm through about 1pm the next day. That is slightly short of 24 hours.
There was no assessment completed because there was no assessment begun. Sherrill House staff and personnel told Dr. Bennett and his wife when he arrived that he should stay in bed and not even go to the bathroom on his own. If he needed to go to the bathroom he should pull the nurse’s bell and the nurse would come to help him go to the bathroom. That was the rehab program for the day.”
15 b) ii Ms. Al-Wetaid – “RN noted that MGH discharge paperwork indicated that Mr. Bennett did need assistance with transfers as least and further assessment was needed.”
Our investigated response – It is amazing to us how open one’s medical records are. There was nothing giving Ms. Al=-Wetaid nor anyone else access to Dr. Bennett’s medical records. Ms. Al-Wetaid quotes freely from what she claims is Dr. Bennett’s medical records to which she has not been given permission to access. In addition, the RN at Sherrill House had no right to share anything with Ms. Al-Wetaid nor anyone else. Since there had been no assessment even begun at Sherrill House we do not see how they could say anything other than “assessment was needed.”
15 b) iii Ms. Al-Wetaid – “RN provided medication list which included hypertension meds, a blood thinner and anti-seizure medication among others.”
Our investigated response – We have already responses to the anti-seizure medication and we seriously doubt Sherrill House would have provided that as one of the medicines prescribed for Dr. Bennett. We could be wrong, but we will not comment further on those private medical records to which we have not had access.
15 b) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Mr. Bennett was not discharged with medications and PSD and PSW discovered that wife has not picked any prescriptions as of March 3, 2020.”
Our investigated response – That makes no sense to us so we don’t know what to do with it. We can only respond looking at what happened during Dr. Bennett’s recent discharges from MGH from his five week incarcerated stay in that institution.
Dr. Bennett was sent home with at least 12 bottles of medicines to be taken on a daily – some twice daily schedule. None were prescribed medicines, some made him visibly ill when he took them because they were too strong going down his system. We realized he had been forced to take all of those medications while at MGH during his five weeks of incarceration. Some were meant to depress him – apparently to make it easier for Dr. Bennett to stay in bed those five weeks.
When Dr. Bennett’s son called the doctor at MGH, after his return home, because all were appalled at so many “over the counter” pills, it was acknowledged the medicines were not “prescribed” but they thought he might need them and if he didn’t they should stop giving them to him. A couple were psychotropic drugs which caused small hallucinations which Dr. Bennett had during his stay at MGH taking those pills. When those pills were stopped so did the confusion Dr. Bennett experienced during those five weeks.
Apparently, Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary feel those”not prescribed medicines” are required and were appalled that Dr. Bennett, whose choice is to take as few pills and other kinds of medicines as possible and whose choice that has been all of his life, was to be ignored in favor of maintaining an elderly gentleman on as many “medicines” as possible whether they were needed or prescribed or not.
We don’t know how to respond to the March 3, 2020 comment because that made no sense to anyone. March 3, 2020 was the day Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid had Dr. Bennett picked up by the 8 policemen at about 10:30am on a section 12 for which there was no reason, no background, no medical sign-off, no nothing except to produce a form given to the police to pick him up breaking down the door and invading the entire house until his was found and carrying him off whether he wanted to go or not.
On March 4, 2020 MGH discharged Dr. Bennett from this section 12 with a discharge form which said “no medicines prescribed.” Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary ignore that and have put their own judgment that there should have been and apparently have delivered that as their affidavit swearing to the fact that what they are saying in the truth. Clearly, it is not.
Upon his first discharge from the section 12 filed by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services – his discharge papers say – “no medicines prescribed”. It goes on to say all Dr. Bennett’s vitals were “within the normal range.” That does not fit the story line for Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary so they have changed it to fit one they prefer.
16) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “On Tuesday March 3rd several steps were taken to address immediate safety concerns.”
Our investigated response – Those steps were apparently to create a drama like those seen in the south in the 1920’s around an African American man who ‘overstepped his boundaries’ in this society. Living in the wrong neighborhood; having earned and received degrees from the wrong universities; belonging to the wrong organizations, etc.
16 a) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Protective Services Psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Warner was consulted about the case.”
Our Investigated Response – Dr. Warner is affiliated with one hospital Cambridge Health Alliance which has a geriatric rating of 39.1/100.
To give you an idea as to what that means – Johns Hopkins Hospital has a geriatric rating of 100.0/100
16 b) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Dr. Warner contacted PCP’s office and spoke about concerns. PCP agreed that this is high-risk situation and that E needed to return to hospital. PCP felt Mass General was best facility since they last treated Mr. Bennett.”
16 c) Ms. Al-Wetaid “PSW Clary continued attempts to reach medical providers at MGH to discuss situation and that their discharge plan was unsuccessful.”
Our investigated response – On March 3rd Dr. Bennett was less than one day away from having been discharged from Sherrill House and two days away from having been discharged from MGH. What is amazing to us is the fact that Sherrill House was quarantined because of the flu; that they didn’t know what kind in this coronavirus era; that the patients who had the flu were not segregated from the rest of their patients – meant nothing to Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid. They were focused on this “investigation” and getting Dr. Bennett under their control as quickly as possible for reasons which could have killed Dr. Bennett.
16 d) Ms. Al-Wetaid – PSW Clary did reach neurosurgeon who worked on Ms. Bennett’s care team during his weeklong stay at MGH.”
Our investigated response – Ms. Al-Wetaid does not identify this neurosurgeon so it is hard to respond and hard to know if Ms. Al-Wetaid’s comments and Ms. Clary’s exchanges are true because we have no way to check this out.
16 d) i – Ms. Al-Wetaid – ” Neurosurgeon was concerned that Mr. Bennett was not in rehab at this time, was not taking medications.”
Our investigated response – This is of grave concern to us because at this point in time on March 3, 2020 Dr. Bennett had already been picked up by 8 white policeman in a 1930’s KKK style action with people running from the Charles River towards his house to see what all the drama was about. At this point in time Ms. Al-Wetaid is calling around to MGH neurosurgeons telling them, Dr. Bennett was not in rehab and not taking medications. She neglected to tell them Dr. Bennett was actually in MGH and there had been no medicines prescribed. The investigation Ms. Al-Wetaid is doing is what should have been done before she and Ms. Clary had the order signed to pick up Dr. Bennett in the extremely racist way he was picked up and in a way to do as much damage to the work the neurosurgeon Ms. Al-Wetaid was talking to had done – if she was indeed talking to a neurosurgeon who was a part of the team that operated on Dr. Bennett or – as this looks – is a part of the created story to justify what Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary wanted to do and were now putting some justification to what they already decided and had already done.
16 d) ii Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Neurosurgeon was surprised to hear that Mr. Bennett had been able to sign a new HCP given that he was alert and oriented to self and place and sometimes only to self on the day he signed the new HCP form.”
Our investigated response – Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary had apparently already decided to change Dr. Bennett’s HCP to one over whom they apparently had some control. This question would not have been answered in such a way if this were actually a neurosurgeon on Dr. Bennett’s team because the “new” HCP was created by MGH. He would have been questioning the professionals at MGH whose job it was to deal with such HCP’s. Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary also have dropped the first part of the HCP story by not telling people the HCP had been signed by Dr. Bennett November 18, 2019; that this was not a new HCP but the one who was Dr. Bennett’s HCP when he entered MGH; that the only change was the typo by the probate attorney who drew up the HCP in whic a date was November 18, 2018 when all the other dates were November 18, 2019. What is also not said is that the new HCP was Mass General’s suggestion because they thought the HCP should be clear without that typo and in spite of knowing Dr. Bennett signed this form November 18, 2019 the Mass General professionals who handle HCP’s spent about 45 minutes talking with Dr. Bennett to know for themselves what were his wishes and Dr. Bennett verified the fact that he wanted his wife as his HCP.
Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary and Attorney O’Sullivan all knew about this HCP and all hid it from the Court when they went to Court with ms. Al-Wetaids purgered affidavit to incarcerate Dr. Bennett in MGH twice.
They had Dr. Bennett incarcerated on March 3rd – from which he was discharged by MGH on March 4th for no reason to keep him and they went to court on March 5th on the same charge – another section 12 – to have Dr. Bennett incarcerated again on the same section 12 from which he had been discharged on March 4th. They very carefully hid that fact from the Court so they could get their Protective Order to do the damage they intended and indeed, actually did to Dr. Bennett over the next five weeks.