Peanut Butter Popcorn Bettina Style

What a great discovery!  You won’t believe the fantastic taste of this popcorn!

First – buy organic popcorn.  There are several brands, but it must be organic.

Then you will need an air-popper.  This helps because you don’t need oil for the dried corn to pop.

Then use the measuring cup that comes with the air popper – or use about 1/2 cup dried corn into the popper.

Turn it on with a bowl in front to catch the corn once it has “popped”.

While this is happening melt 1/2 stick organic butter (salted or unsalted, your choice).

Into the melted butter put two large tablespoons organic peanut butter which you ground yourself or purchased from the store and ground it in the store.  No store bought/store prepared peanut butter even if it is organic.

Stir the butter and peanut butter together until the peanut butter has melted into the butter and pour this onto the freshly popped corn.  You can make the sauce ahead and let it come to room temperature while you pop the corn.

Mix the sauce you just made with the popcorn until they are thoroughly mixed together.  Add organic himalayan salt and cayenne pepper to taste until everything looks totally mixed and all of the popcorn is covered.

Instead of cayenne pepper, I add several good splashes of tabasco sauce, but not everyone has that kind of taste.

Best if eaten freshly made, but you can eat it hours later and it still tastes amazing.

This is also the best laxative I have ever taken.  Amazing what it does for your bowel movements the next day.



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