Open That Car Door Wide before Entering
copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc.
We had a guest recently, a frequent visitor from Turkey, who was going with us to an estate sale. His area of expertise – both education and research – is in materials.
He got to the car door, opened it and stood there for a minute or two. I wasn’t sure what was causing his hesitation. I thought maybe he was having second thoughts about going or not, thus his hesitation to get into the car.
When I asked if everything was alright, he said fine, but with the materials they use these days on the inside of cars I hold the car door open a minute or two before getting in because I want to make sure there is an exchange of air before getting into a car.
Wow! That took some thought. Hadn’t ever considered off-gases in cars from the materials used in making them as being harmful. Nor had I ever thought to open the doors and windows before getting in and breathing in all of what would be in the air inside the car.
It has taken a couple weeks, but I am now pretty proficient at opening the car door – waiting a minute or two – and then getting in and going about my business.
It took that long because a lifetime habit of opening the car door, jumping in and going off to wherever is hard to break. That moment of thoughtfulness had to be programmed into my brain and set as a habit.
I now notice when I get into a car that the air coming in feels fresh – so something was going on before I opened the door that the difference in air would feel so dramatic. To stay healthy one must always be vigilant and aware of everything going on around us. The difference these days is with health and lack of health that a few moments over many years in the wrong place can cause.
We pass this along for your consideration and use. This is just one more good bit of information coming from the experience of bed & breakfast.
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