One more Trump Answer to your blog!

I know you don’t like to print lots of blogs about the same thing.  I am surprised you put as many blogs about “The Don” as you have.  (I love that name.)  The media calls him “The Donald”.  Wonder if they have disguised the same thing you are highlighting?

Once more about “The Don” – you absolutely have to put this in the Blog.  I use Bettina Network a lot, so I am pushing my weight around here.  Please!

I was flabbergasted to see ‘The Don’s” comments about Hillary.  He has had many affairs – not his spouse, but him.  Those affairs have been while he was married and from the gossip I’ve heard he treated the women abominably.  I could list what I’ve heard, but I think this one example suffices.  I will save the rest to publish as I see what ‘The Don’ continues to say:

When “the Don” was married to his first wife and they were on vacation skiing, his girl friend was in the same place.  Some folks say he brought her and installed her close by.  She confronted ‘the Don’s’ wife on the ski slopes in a very embarrassing confrontation with ‘the Don’ standing with them and, so I heard, he did nothing to lessen the embarrassment for his wife and just seemed to enjoy the entire scene as his girl friend let his wife know of her relationship with ‘the Don’ and apparently wanted to know why she hadn’t left him yet.  As time passed it became clear that this girl friend was pregnant so “the Don’s” marriage broke up – he had a child out of wedlock – etc. etc.

Wonder if he is having affairs now married to Melania.  A leopard does not change his spots.  I will certainly let you know what I hear.

I mention the child born substantially before they married because many of ‘the Don’s backers are evangelical Christians to whom that kind of behavior is considered amoral, Yet none have said anything about all of this and they are still supporting him.  That says to me they may claim the title “Evangelical Christian”, but they do not claim the moral nor are they trying to walk on the path which goes with that appellation.   It is all for show with them – and it is all for show with ‘the Don’.

But we should stop calling him ‘the Don’.  From the little I know about the mafia, it is said they have a code of ethics which would not allow their “Don’s” to carry on and disrespect their families the way Donald Trump has disrespected his.  A lesson from the Mafia rule book which the Evangelical Christians should take to heart.


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