copyright by Bettina Network 2009 New School of Music
Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 3pm 25 Lowell Street
Cambridge, MA. 02138
617 492 8105
Margarita Nuller, a graduate of St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia and Trudi Van Slyck, co-founder of the New School of Music, played an amazing concert. It was a concert you want to retain in your memory and replay many times.
Some comments from guests on hearing Nuller play “it was like listening to Rachmaninoff”, I wonder if others (in the audience) know the incredible virtuoso they are hearing,” “it is rare to hear such a performance.”
The order of the program was genius. In the middle of the program Trudi Van Slyck played ‘Wintertime I and II by Robt. Shumann, following which Van Slyck and Nuller played a two piano piece by Nicholas Van Slyck entitled “Winter-Time” for two pianos (in memoriam, Robt. Shumann). It was an especially powerful moment when you knew that Trudi Van Slyck is the widow of Nicholas Van Slyck, the composer. In addition, it was powerfully played.
Nuller’s Beethoven Sonata in Eb Major, Op. 27 #1 is rarely heard at the level at which she played. Her interpretation seemed to come from the fact that she had totally internalized the piece. It was not the loud, overreaching, rushing to the end interpretation that one gets used to, it was played so that you knew and felt why Beethoven is such a giant.
My favorite was the Chopin “Sonata in B minor, Op. 58” – a piece I’ve loved since childhood. To hear it played with such technical perfection and beauty at the same time was an experience I won’t soon forget.
When the audience had eaten and left and only a handful of us remained, the treat of the evening was an encore Ms. Nuller played from Franz Liszt. A piece you won’t hear often because it is one of the virtuoso pieces Liszt wrote knowing that only a few would be able to play it. Nuller played it to perfection and note perfect.
All in all a wonderful afternoon and evening of truly exceptional music.
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