New Findings on Baking Bread

copyright 2008 The Bettina Network, inc.

Much to our surprise we discovered dramatic differences when baking bread by simply changing the oil we use. Different oil combinations will change the texture of the bread. By being careful what you add it also changes the goodness the bread delivers to your body. And – I will quietly say – it keeps you regular, which has to do good things for your immune system.

We started using Virgin Organic Coconut Oil in other recipes and decided to try it in the Bettina Bread Recipe. We first tried half butter and half VOCO. That was fantastic. The bread was light, but thick with no big holes as you slice it. Its consistency was amazing and the texture quite wonderful.It was really great when we tried 1/2 cup organic butter (one stick) and 1/4 cup VOCO. Totally amazing with 1/2 cup each, but that’s a stretch for a lot of you – only the dedicated need try those proportions.

Using organic apple juice plus the VOCO and organic butter produced a much lighter bread and still that wonderful texture.

Throw in raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, organic turbinado sugar – wow, how fabulous with coffee in the mornings. Put some organic butter on that bread and it warrants quiet time to enjoy a bit of heaven!

No more white flour – water – and salt bread for us. Just think of the nutrition our ancestors got from bread. No wonder it was called the “staff of life.” Didn’t understand that saying until we started experimenting to produce a loaf of bread that was great tasting and good for us.


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