My Nose Survives Winter

copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc.

I have been a loyal guest, staying at Bettina Network homes for a very long time.

Last year, I went to the kitchen in one of my homes very early in the morning and found the host bent over the kitchen sink with her head in a pot of steaming water.  Needless to say I was amazed and waited in the doorway to see what this was about.

She had a pot of boiling water, just off the stove, and was letting the steam from the water over her face.  When she finished, after about a minute, and poured the water into the sink, of course, we had to talk.  I made the coffee and she spilled the secret.  Every morning when she wakes she boils a pot of water – “ed. note in a glass Corning pot” – puts her head over the water for a minute or two because this is the way she keeps her nose hydrated during the winter so it doesn’t get dry and give her a hard time with a little bleeding on those very dry days.

I tried it when I went home and found it works.  I have always had problems with dry nose during the winter.  When I blow my nose during the day it always comes with a little blood on the tissue.  That didn’t happen this year.  Thanks to my experience in the Bettina Network.

If you want a great place to stay in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. try this house and ask for the “doll room”.  I thought it was great and enjoyed my stay immensely.  My return visit this past weekend was a lovely surprise.  Some of the rooms inside the house have been redone and the doll room has some upgrades.  My daughter and I always stayed in that room.  Now she is too big to play with dolls, but she gave in and had a grand time playing with the dolls because the room now also contains a doll house to go with the dolls in the room.

I hope you write a blog on the room which has had its walls upholstered with the most beautiful fabric – and is well padded under the fabric.  I could make many comments about that, but I will refrain.  Just write about how you upholstered those walls.  It is so much nicer than wallpaper and so lush.  If I weren’t so committed to the doll room – where I play even when my daughter does not join me – I would ask for that room, but I just peeked in and loved what I saw.


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Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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