More Comments on Marathon Bombing

“Thanks for this blog.  And thanks to the reader who responded.  I am sick and tired of the media.  There is nothing on television except the bomber story all day everyday and that has been the way of the media since this happened.

It isn’t as if they have something to say – they basically show they are like sheep – they repeat the same thing all the time on every channel – they have engaged outrageously in reporting rumor.  They are reporting on things which are ridiculous and the most aggrecious is the way they are trying this case in the press without any regard to anybody’s rights.  Are we following them into this ugly new world where no one thinks – no one reads – everyone simply repeats what they hear on the tellie?”

Do we need to send our press people through remedial school to learn about reporting, etc.? Things come to mind like – rush to judgment; laziness; even possibly ignorance; inability to understand the profession they have chosen; no standards.  The shallowness of our media is on display more so than is the Boston Marathon Bombing incident.  This happens everytime anything happens which lets them showboat and in a second there they are.  Or is this how the media management and ownership cuts cost?  They can put their anchors and supporting reporters in front of the camera for days and not pay for programming for days.  This is also attempted mind control and if there is a trial about all of this they have created a foul jury pool.

Ed Note:  This is one of many responses we received along the same lines.  We took out one and put it on the blog as representative of what many said over breakfast or wrote to us.


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