Martin-Zimmerman and they Followed Historical Patterns

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013

Don’t you know, just about every table talk conversation today is about the Zimmerman/Martin case and practically every sermon in many different denominations and religions includes some reference to it.

This is our contribution to the conversation:

1) George Zimmerman was not tried by a jury of his peers.  Wasn’t it in the 1960’s and 1970’s that lawsuits abounded because Blacks were tried by all-White juries and those law suits proved that the results of such cases had nothing to do with justice and more to do with allowing the racism of the society penetrate and skewer Court decisions?

Lawsuit after Lawsuit proved that and change happened – until now!

How is it then, that a jury of five white women with white children and one minority woman who the press has never identified as to race – sometimes she was Black, sometimes she was Hispanic – is a jury of Zimmermans’ peers.  This decision had nothing to do with justice and this jury did nothing except let the racism and sexism of this society enter the Court system through the front door with a special escort to make sure those twin isms knew where to go.

When one reflects on the fact that the children were White and the women were going to consider this case from the biased perspective not of – what if your child was Black and went to the local grocery store wearing a hoodie or just went to the grocery store in his neighborhood where there was an overzealous, out-of-control neighborhood watch person out there on the street; but what if your child was the White kid named some form of Zimmerman who had to go through a trial because he was doing what he claimed was his job and felt perfectly justified in shooting Trayvon Martin to death after the neighborhood watch person provoked the incident which allowed him to do this huge violence against another human being?

Zimmerman was not charged for 45 days after the fact.  Who said “justice delayed……………”  What happened in those 45 days?  When someone confesses to shooting someone to death, there is an immediate arrest in this system because the evidence is subject to be skewered, disappear, witnesses tampered with and on and on and on.

2) George Zimmernan was a neighborhood watch person.  There were many comments that he was a wannabe policeman, but those comments from the media seemed put out there only to cover the ugly facts of what happened.  Why is a neighborhood watch person in the street in his car watching for ‘trouble’ with a gun?  Was he trained in the use of a gun?  Did he have to make regular trips to the shooting range to make sure he knew how to shoot a gun and his skills were up to where they should be?  Was he ‘fit’ in the way police and other law enforcement officers have to be, in addition to keeping up their skills with their weapons?  Had he been vetted psychologically to know he was able to be responsible with a gun in this neighborhood watch job?  Was he encouraged to carry a gun by law enforcement?  Why was he not immediately removed from this neighborhood watch duty when it was clear he was not sure of his own ability to fight off any possible attack on himself  without the use of a gun?  I didn’t hear any of these questions raised.

Zimmermans’ personality – character – ethics – kept him from following orders from those who knew better and advised him as to what to do.  To ignore those orders, get out of his car to stalk a Black man in a ‘hoodie’ after telling the police who this Black man was using very  negative racist and demeaning terms is a personality, character and ethics exposure. This could not have been the first time this side of Zimmerman was exposed to those who elected him or allowed him to be the neighborhood watch person.  What was their motive to ignore these warning signs and allow him out with his gun.

Zimmerman is a man whose own defense witnesses said could not fight – he was too fat to defend himself in a fist fight on the street.  He couldn’t punch, etc.  He must have been very insecure being a neighborhood watch person – why else was carrying a gun?  He knew his limits and he knew his temper – is that what made him so quick to pull the trigger?  That is a very insecure person who is looking for trouble when he goes out on a job where he is supposed to be simply a neighborhood watch person observing the neighborhood for signs of trouble and if he saw possible problems, his ‘job’ was to alert the police.

With a gun, Zimmerman was not an ‘observer’ who would quickly alert the real police to trouble.   He was someone who was armed and ready and willing to use his weapon at the least provocation. He has shown that is true by his actions against Trayvon Martin.  Zimmerman was ready to use his weapon and to provoke an incident during which he could use his weapon – which he did.  In the Mafia he would be a made man.  In the gang world, he would be welcomed as a member, in the Florida police force ………………?

Has Zimmerman now overcome his half-breedness and is now welcomed into the arms of the majority group?  Is this what it takes for a half-breed to become a full-fledged accepted White Person?  Zimmerman didn’t make it by birth, but he has absolutely shown he is ready to take his place in a racist, sexist, classist system which  is prone to violence against its minorities and is against giving its minorities justice in its court system.  Review cases over the past years and see what you come up with!  When the jury has spoken, justice has been served.  No one commentating on this case has been willing to say other than the jury system has delivered justice.  A jury system has delivered that kind of justice to a whole lot of Black folks over the generations – are we dissembling to take attention away from that fact?  Are we throwing out a red herring to get folks to look in every place except at the truth?

3)  We are all being told the jury has spoken and justice has been served because we are the best nation in the world and our justice system is the best there is!!!!!!!  Tell that to the generations of African Americans who have been through our justice system and have seen results come through like Plessy vs Ferguson and a whole lot more.  I could go on here and take time to list pages of such cases in which the same kind of justice we have just seen is traditional in this country when African Americans are involved.

When has this country’s justice system ever convicted a White man for the murder of a Black man?  And clearly Zimmerman was White.  His mother may have been hispanic or some other kind of minority, but his father was White and that is the determination in this country.  He stands up as a White man and is respected as such.

4) This great system of justice will now reward Zimmerman and he is the man of the hour – he will shortly be the multi-millionaire of the hour as the offers pour in.  I heard talk that his brother may even benefit since the media is talking up how ‘professional’, how ‘well spoken’ is his brother. All we could say is – how self-serving was his brother and how unbelievably horrible in the way he mocked what happened and put himself and his family on that top line where we are the best, most caring people in the world.  A family that has produced a George Zimmerman has lots of problems the brother has not let slip out.

All on the back of Trayvon Martin.  Trayvon Martin’s life was taken so this man can succeed.  Zimmerman followed the book, written over the generations – the racist, ugly names; the provoked violence for which the Black is blamed, the holier than thou attitude at the end, that the Zimmerman family seems schooled in……………….   This name calling and showing the spite and vicious racist attitude the Zimmermans have towards African Americans has been slathered over and will soon be buried deep under everything else.  Just the fact that the arguments in court were around who was the aggressor says the red herring had already been thrown and Zimmerman was a free man.  After Zimmerman started the fight – the court argument takes up at the point where they could picture Martin as the aggressor and all is well – the jury acquits and justice is served.  For who? Certainly not for the African Americans in this country.  This was a case about racial profiling which resulted in the death of an African American and the courts’ have said ‘ justice was served because the African American was the ‘aggressor’ – and now let the real aggressor go free.

5) The aggressor was clearly George Zimmerman.  Trayvon Martin was going home from the store – he was not breaking into a neighborhood where he did not belong, he was going back to his father’s house.  This 17 year old child, who had never been in trouble of any kind, had an exemplary record, was going home and was followed and threatened by one George Zimmerman who then shot and killed him and there was a question in the trial as to who was the aggressor!  Well – who was the African-American!  In this society, in its criminal justice system,  there is no question that in that circumstance the Black man was the aggressor – let the facts be selectively chosen to prove this case – AND THEY WERE.


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