Making Old Feet New Again!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2014
I love breakfast in a Bettina Home. No matter how horrible I feel arriving, I leave refreshed.
The last breakfast from my most recent stay was great! The food is always good, but the conversation unbelievable. I am going home to work on my feet so I can wear high heels again. I have a closet full of shoes, which are sitting idly on the floor collecting dust and drying out because it hurts so badly to wear them. The shoes I can wear are so ugly they ruin every outfit I put on.
Would you believe old women at breakfast having a hilariously good time about a conversation over feet?
One woman, who was 80 years old if she was a day, had on these really elegant shoes with high heels in which she was going to spend the day. I advised her to take another pair with her in a bag of some kind because she was going to be finished for the day before she reached her car. She just looked at me shaking her head.
The next morning we were all back around the table and I was packed and ready to go. Before leaving, however, I wanted to know how her day went since she was back at the table in another pair of really fantastic shoes – high heels, of course. She said her day went just fine, like all her days and suggested I learn to deal with my feet if I wanted to get back into something other than the slip slops I had on. Expensive flip flops, but no support, no heels and comfortable as could be.
She took off her shoes and her panty hose, as we all howled with laughter, and we went through her exercise regime. We all shed our shoes, but she was the only one wearing panty hose. She said she wears them for the girdle effect she gets from the panty part – doesn’t want her tummy to ‘pout’. We had on ankle length stockings or knee hi’s under pants. She was clearly from a generation that dressed to the nine’s and she still did with a great figure, beautiful hair and my jealousy is really showing since I am about 20 years younger than she is – at least – and she looks younger.
I really don’t exercise any part of my body – especially my feet. Who would think of foot exercises as being relevant or doing the body any good? My bias is showing, but really, I have enough trouble keeping my energy level up to just getting up in the mornings, let alone complicating my life with exercise.
This woman exercises her feet before going to bed at night and before getting up in the mornings. She widens her toes as far as possible – spread them open like a fan – and closes them while she watches television or reads. She also makes circles with her feet going clock-wise and then counter clock -wise moving her feet in these circles from the ankle and sometimes she does the spread-the-toes with both feet at the same time and the circles with both feet at the same time.
We were sitting around the table exercising our feet making sure we got it right. Unreal! Must be losing it because I was very avid about doing this and intend to go home and take up this exercise every night and morning. Nice that I can do these exercises before getting out of bed in the mornings. Maybe that will help me be diligent about it.
Before I showed up at a Bettina Home I was a little depressed about my feet becoming so old and stiff, limiting my shoe wearing possibilities. , so this did cheer me up a little bit! I wanted to take pictures, but the women were adamant they didn’t want their feet showing up in pictures anyplace – so respecting that – and you certainly aren’t going to see my naked feet in pictures, you will have to imagine the scene.
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