Madeleines – A Delicately Fabulous Tea Cookie
We bake Madeleines every day, yet by the end of the day they are gone!
It is one of those light delicacies that won’t let you have just one. And they stay in memory for long after they have been eaten.
They are the tea cakes which give meaning to the reference to ‘delicacies’.
They draw you back to that lovely plate for more until you simply have to leave the area.
AND, they are super easy and quick to make.
Within one-half hour, from start to taking them out of the oven, you should have about 36 of these beauties.
They must, however, be made of the finest organic ingredients you can find – which is the secret to their success.
Turn on your oven and set the temperature to 350 degrees
In the bowl of an electric mixer put
three eggs
one tablespoon organic vanilla syrup (or organic vanilla)
2/3 cup organic turbinado sugar
start the mixer and let these ingredients whirl until they are light and fluffy
meanwhile, melt one stick organic butter (salted or unsalted – your choice)
In another bowl put the following
One cup organic whole wheat flour
One tablespoon organic corn starch
One teaspoon baking powder
a touch of himalayan salt
Mix these together with a wire whisk until they are well mixed, light and fluffy
Add the melted butter to the egg mixture and let the electric mixer whirl for a few seconds
Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture – mixing by hand because at this point you have to be careful not to over mix the ingredients and using the mixer might just do that. Once you have a feel for this mixture you can use the electric mixer, if you so choose.
Have on hand at least two Madeleine tins – no aluminum please!
No “non-stick” pans
simple, traditional, tin, Madeleine pans buttered properly will not stick
Preferably, using a brush, with a bit of melted butter, brush the Madeleine tins with the melted butter – brushing the areas around the indented parts as well.
Do not stint on the butter as you “butter” your tins – the secret to nonsticking cakes
Put the Madeleine mixture in the tine – we use 1/2 tablespoon for each tin.
That might seem like a very little bit, but these are very little bit cakes.
If the mixture in each indentation does not quite come up to the edge you are in good shape because these cakes will rise and you don’t want them to rise above the edge – that takes away from the look of these beautiful cakes.
Enjoy: You can add a small dollop of homemade marshmallows to one of the cakes and put two together for a different treat. Or you can do the same with jelly or preserves or anything else you can think of. You can add chocolate chips or shredded coconut, etc. to the mix just before spooning out into the Madeleine pans. But I think you will find these perfect just as they are. Our only vice is putting two tablespoons of organic syrup into the mix because that intensifies the taste that makes these so special. It is really a way to mainstream vanilla flavoring.
We keep them on a cake plate on the kitchen counter and they last about three minutes.
Proust isn’t the only one who will go down in history as having sung the praises of these fantastic little cakes. You will too!
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