LOVE and SEX! – The Bettina Oracle Speaks!
Humans have substantial ways to obfuscate what they don’t want to face. They build institutional structures to hide, deflect, and keep them in rose colored glasses. Truth is not something easily acknowledged even though someplace inside truth stirs.
You are now into a messy presidential situation in the United States trying to do everything except face the truth of who you have become and how you have structured your society, your families, your lives. This has been generations in the making, but todays generation gets to clean up what you, your parents, your grandparents, etc. have soiled.
You preach God is Love, but you act out and create your life around sex. You look at the animals and feel so much better than, but in reality you have created a society which emphasizes and reflects your animal nature and your animal characteristics.
Why do you have so many wars; why do you kill so many people trying to destroy life itself – for nothing; why is there so much jealousy, hatred, rage, greed, and all the rest – for nothing except as a way to pass the time from birth all the while denying death.
You talk a lot about values, character, ethics, truth, love, grace, kindness, generosity and more – all myths in your lives to set aside the Godlike character. Those who have such values are seen as weak to all but a very few and those few pay a high price if they articulate, in a positive way, what they see. What is real and is seen by everyone as great – ‘now there is a real man’ – is the life you are leading based on your animal instincts – catering to sex, power, control, greed – all called sin, and practiced by nearly everyone.
It has been amazing to watch a group of humans build a society – structure a government – set up rules and laws – all based on their animal instincts. Not their higher instincts, not what comes from their claimed belief in a God who holds up love above all – but their lowest common denominator instincts, shared with the animals with whom you also share the planet earth. In humans those lower instincts are so much more intense and destructive than anything the animal world has ever produced – you make historians gasp even though they can’t see nor report on the very same things occurring during their lifetime.
In the society you have and are creating, Love is much lauded. It is raised to the level of a god. God is love – the shorthand way you describe God, your beautiful mythological creation for which many have given their lives and for which you have demanded the life of others claiming you are just and right and good and full of love and those others are evil, greedy, mean-spirited, and need to be destroyed and/or severely controlled. You have taken the lives of many in the name of love but the fact of sex. You have taken and destroyed the children, the property, the everything of those others. You have done all of that to continue and move ahead the system you have set up on this earth not based on God’s love, but based on sex. You refuse to see, acknowledge and change that. You will, however, change one institutional structure for another if it is also based on sex, as long as it has a better mythological structure which will camouflage the reality of who you have chosen to be.
I can hear the protests already. Take a look around at all that you survey. Can you drink the water in the streams; Is the food grown making many ill; are terminal diseases rampant with everyone denying that they know the ultimate cause; are you one of those who claims the illnesses we face in such high numbers really starting in these last two generations were always there only we didn’t have the ability to diagnose them? Do you really believe that or does that myth make you feel better? That list, the result of this sex based system, could go on for pages and still not be complete.
Love is the beautiful part of your humanity. Your animal instincts deal with your physical selves. You describe love, but before you get too far into the description you veer off into a description of sex. The people you hold up, who get you into much trouble and evil are sexual deviants. Your new president in the United States is a hard to ignore example. He has let his out of control sex drive do awful things to himself and to the society. Driven by out of control sex he has so far surpassed the animals in how he exercises his urges and the depths to which he has gone – and will go in the future, if left unchecked. It is fast becoming mind boggling and mind numbing. How many women have brought charges of sexual abuse and assault against him? And have you raised that up and fought for the women? Or have you let that rest because you recognize and understand that part of this new president? He personifies what is evil in all of you and so he is untouchable. To call him in – to rein him in – you have to rein in your own sex drives and your own base instincts of greed, lying, filth of every kind and so far, in history, that is something you have neither done nor attempted to do – except on a mythological level. What the United States president has done and is doing brings shame on all of those who helped put him where he is. If you voted for him – if you encouraged others to vote for him – if you saw in him a way to manipulate others and used him in that way – any small thing you did to help him rise will have its day of retribution.
The way animals live, their baser instincts occasionally break out and cause very brief moments of trouble, but when translated to human life and structured into human organizations those instincts while essentially harmless in animals and are there for the animal kingdom’s survival, become corrupt, evil, ugly and at times impossible to control until everyone is exhausted from the letting loose of such extreme evil.
Greed is something you have structured into your government, society, friendships. How else do you achieve and maintain a “better than” society? The beginnings of the United States used slavery to structure that “better than” need and requirement into its governmental structures and it has survived to cause trouble even into today.
Some people have obscene amounts of money. They do not look around and share their excess with anyone. They hoard it to overstuff themselves with houses, clothes, wealth, all kinds of wealth – and when they see the homeless, those in need, those who can’t feed or clothe themselves they turn a blind eye and talk to friends blaming the victims for the excesses of those with averted eyes. Please -don’t try to justify and claim they share by citing their ‘tax free’ contributions which in the end benefit only themselves.
There is enough on this planet for all to live well. However, it is divided in such a way that only a small percentage thrive. In creating that kind of distribution of wealth you act as though you are going to live forever and take all of your wealth with you when you die. Nothing is further from the truth.
You have made yourselves miserable with this society which you have created and claimed it was from God and that the God you worship is a God who is Love! But you made this god male and although his beginnings was in a story set in poverty, in many of your religions his continued existence is in gold, silver, marble statues, incredible structures and edifices which could feed the world’s population many times over. And the claim you make is that your god instructed you to do this to show your worship of him and your humility before him. Aaaggghhh!
You point to the theology you created around this god, but in the reality of your lives greed, jealousy, sexual assault and abuse amongst the humans is becoming worse as time goes by. You have created systems of government under which you live and systems of economics which gives power to a few and which makes the rest of you constantly strive, miss your life, and continue the super hypocrisy for very little, thinking one day you will be amongst those chosen for that rarefied air of what used to be the millionaires club, but many were weeded out so the new and rarer billionaires club could be formed.
O ye of no faith do you not know – do you not see where you are headed? You now fight depression, addiction, and so much more. Your created systems are destroying you, the planet and everything in your grasp. You are working hard to leave the planet and reach outer space. Are you going to bring all of your baser instincts with you and re-create out there another hell reflective of what you have done on earth?
We see you afraid to love – your solution is turning love into sex – and obfuscating the difference. Writing love stories which are really sex stories to pass along to future generations. Your leaders are almost all sexual deviants. They blackmail each other to get their way by threatening to “out” another persons mistakes – usually always in the sexual area. Why have you done this? We can’t make any sense of what you have created. You create wars to maintain power. You destroy, humiliate, torture, kill and so much more to maintain a way of life which never should have been created in the first place.
So much hope was placed in you and you have defiled and shown that hope to have been a wasted emotion. Why must you translate your animal instincts into your institutions? What is it about you that you can’t function on any other level. Why can’t you see what you have done and are doing? Why do you only regret after you have destroyed everything around you and don’t know how to get it back?
Sex is about procreation. You are attracted to those with whom you can join and multiply. You have changed all of that and created marriage and ‘morality’ laws not about procreation, but to protect property. You have written your probate laws – your wishes acknowledging death and your mortality – to protect property and these probate laws need the marriage laws to work and to keep the lines of inheritance for your property clear.
You have created a society in which it has been and still is difficult for a woman and a man to be friends without sex in the picture. If they find their way to a friendship without sex those around will keep the sexual thing going by assuming they are hiding something. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. The easiest way to ruin someone in your society is to claim they had sex with a person who would cloud the inheritance picture and jeopardize the line of succession for the power, money and property accumulated.
You have spelled out in your laws who can have sex with whom because your inheritance laws can’t be violated. Not just the inheritance of money and property, but you had laws defining who could have sex with whom because the line of “I am better than you” must be kept and that would fail if you crossed color lines – ethnicity lines – religious lines. Those are fringy definitions because those are not real categories, but you have created the category of race and have religions which make it a sin to marry and/or have sex with someone who would dilute the power of a particular race, religion or someone from a particular country which is not seen as one of the power center countries where it is imperative for those “bloodlines” to remain pure.
Some of that is changing – but other such structures are being put in place which are more stringently keeping to your “better than” needs than what you have already established as “law and custom”. These are the only ones you recognize as having power in your way of life.
You all have the possibility of being so much more than you have allowed yourself to be; you can create institutions based on God’s love instead of man’s sex and other animal instincts and the instincts of what are called the “lower animals”. It is not understandable as to why that is what you have chosen when you could have been so much more. It is the hardest way to live; the most miserable and painful and difficult way. What is it in you that makes you choose that path? Why do you so raise up and honor those basest of instincts?
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