Let’s Review the Rev. Dr. Bennett situation! It looks like Criminal Conspiracy to us!

Please circulate this to everyone you know. To every law enforcement agency you can reach. To everyone you think should know about this with letters to Middlesex Probate and Family Court, 121 Third Street, Cambridge, MA. 617 768 5808 to let them know your thoughts about how they function. letters to fax number 617 225 0781.

We need lawyers, legal researchers, people skilled in IT, those in PR, everyone who can help. Let us know who you are and how you can support what we are doing. This is clearly headed to a substantial law suit with side issues – like medical malpractice, legal malpractice and more.

Clearly, this is going through the legal system in a huge way. We are getting prepared so we can do our bit and the research will continue. This is a lawyers dream – this ‘incident’ in the ‘elder law’ area. The money lawyers can and are making in this area – it is unbelievably foul, especially when you think of the suffering and destruction of the end of life of so many elderly people, most of whom cannot take this on to fight and object to what is happening to them. The Donaldson/Bennett’s are rare. He is 87, she is 82. We guess the folks pushing to take their assets thought they would be a push-over.

This is an area the press refuses to cover and so the people who have perpetrated this on others evade scrutiny. This is what happened with the media pre-1960’s. The horrible things the KKK, the White Supremacist, the Nazi’s and those supporting them did escaped notice because racism and all other forms of bigotry were routinely not covered in the press. Ms Donaldson comes from a journalists family because her grandfather co-founded the Louisiana Weekly and worked extensively with the Pittsburgh Courier (the first office in NOLA of the Pittsburgh Courier was in her family’s living room) and other African American publications. His goal was to have these very racist, sexist, extreme bigoted actions be journalistically researched and published so they would be known and not done under the cover of silence. Sorrowfully, that is what is happening in this society today.

As more is uncovered this gets uglier. Some of what follows is repetitive – much is new to the blog. If you have additional information, please contact us.

We very much appreciate the person who put the papers through the mail slot at the Donaldson/Bennett home. We wanted to know the genesis of the charge against Marceline Donaldson of “elder abuse”. We found all kind of possibilities, but found the real genesis in those papers turned over to us so we could move ahead with investigating what happened, how, who, when. It made us sick to our stomachs when we found so many lawyers involved in previous cases. It looked as though the goal is to drain the assets of this quite, shy, lovely man so their estates can benefit.

Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services made the charge backed up by the attorney they ‘appointed’ for Rev. Dr. Bennett while making sure he would not be able to have an attorney of his or his family’s choosing.

The CPCS in Boston saw to it that Cheri Myette would be paid even when they were contacted by Ms. Donaldson who wanted to know why an attorney was appointed for her husband calling him “indigent” when he was not. This state agency was cooperating with a conspiracy to take away Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s ability to function in this life – to walk, talk, think, etc. by funding a lie.

As we looked closer, Ms. Donaldson hired attorneys for herself and her husband. She paid their requested retainer which amounted to several thousands of dollars and they could not do their job because the state was paying attorneys, as requested, by one of the State of Massachusetts Agencies – Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services is funded – either in whole or partially by the State of Massachusetts and they also have Federal support. That support is used to keep assets from one generation of African Americans, Jews, Latina’s LGBTQ people and other minorities from passing to the next generation. Instead those assets are going into the pockets of the descendants of white northern european attorneys and their supporting staff.

A family, which hired attorneys, paid the retainers, called “indigent” because of the greed of those pushing this action. It is one of the most disgusting things we have come across. It is certainly a way to drain the minority community of many assets and very quickly. It is a way to reduce the number of minorities able to succeed in this society and to keep them as the “bottom” – making the least amount of money while taking the largest risks – something which is showing clearly in this COVID-19 pandemic.

We believe this was and is a conspiracy to destroy a black family – to destroy a black marriage and so much more. One thing that happened with the motion Attorney Myette filed was to separate a husband and wife of 37 years. Against their wishes and without their knowledge they were legally separated. We understand jokes were made about Ms. Donaldson after they had clearly seen her as a very negative stereotype of black females. None of them had even met Ms. Donaldson or Rev. Dr. Bennett.

Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services instituted with MGH’s help and compliance a “rule” that Ms. Donaldson could not visit her husband without an MGH Security Guard and a Policeman present. On her first visit, she noticed the ward in which he was kept was locked and there were Security Guards in the hallway. Others stood close to her during her visit – apparently to make sure they heard everything said between Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife.

During these five weeks, Ms. Donaldson was able to visit her husband only three times. An MGH Security Guard threatened to physically throw her out of MGH if she didn’t leave – on a day when she arrived, having made an appointment for the visit and was denied with the Security Guard telling her she could not see her husband because he had filed a complaint against her for abuse and she would not be allowed to go to White 10th Floor at MGH where he was being kept. That happened several times when she arrived – one excuse after another was used by MGH Security personnel to keep her from visiting. That happened under whose orders?

We have reproduced here a letter to the attorneys involved sent by Attorney O’Sullivan and it makes your stomach churn.

In it, Attorney O’Sullivan actually describes the process by which one is “incapacitated”.. It starts in the hospital – in this case MGH, a hospital that needs to investigate what is happening within its confines when one department does a great job and another does everything to destroy a patients’ ability to function.

We also have a letter hand written by an employee of the Post Office who saw Rev. Dr. Bennett frequently as he went to the post office daily over many years. The letter is copied here and says what great shape Dr. Bennett was in on March 5th, the day he was seen with his wife in the post officer laughing and talking to a friend X.C. who commented on how great he looked. The very next day white Cambridge policemen arrived at his house to force him into MGH. That even after the section 12 filed against him had been lifted and he was sent home with “no medicines prescribed.”

When he was discharged from MGH on April 13th he did not look so good. He looked like a man who had just come out of a concentration camp. He could not walk without extreme help – even with a walker. He was confused as to where he was. He was clearly terrified until he saw his wife.

He was sent home from MGH with no shoes on his feet because they were so swollen none of his shoes fit. I could go on to what was done to this African American man in a medical action started and carried forward by Dr. Rebecca Warner who is apparently the medical person who gave the diagnosis of “incapacitated” after she filled him full of hallucinatory drugs, anti-psychotics and so much more which no one before her had prescribed. In fact psychiatrists before her deemed no medicines were necessary and Dr. Bennett should not have been brought to MGH to be sectioned.

When he did not turn up at Mount Auburn Hospital, which is the hospital Dr. Rebecca Warner wanted Rev. Dr. Bennett sent to – she followed him to MGH to do what they were prepared to do at Mount Auburn Hospital – treat Dr. Bennett in such a way that he would be quickly “incapacitated” and ready to be forced into a nursing home. Especially after having his wife was declared “abusive” so a Guardianship would be necessary to make decisions about the drawing down of his assets, among other decisions that needed to be made. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was right there to make sure the person and Guardianship Corporation so chosen would benefit them – and probably the future career of those young women making such horrendous decisions over the life of this African American family.

To what can we compare this? SLAVE HOLDERS – ripped slaves from their families. They separated families with deception and with speed. Clearly, speed was one of the motivating factors here.

They deceived the enslaved by not telling them what was happening and transported them quickly using – in many cases – the then police, the group established to hunt, capture, intimidate, take away the liberty of human beings who happened to be Africans. They were transported quickly to avert what the law might dictate is given a chance and given the truth. they were removed from being able to contact attorneys or other witnesses. Relevant and important papers were hidden and/or destroyed.

Ms. Donaldson contacted Ms. Paulette Marie with the CPCS to talk about what was happening with her husband and to make a complaint against Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney Cheri Myette. Ms. Marie explained to Ms. Donaldson how one could have assets and still be considered “indigent” qualifying for the state support. She did not ask Ms. Donaldson for any information that might be used to investigate or move Ms. Myette out of the way by taking away the State monies paying for her to do a job which should have been done by the private attorneys Ms. Donaldson hired. She did say several times how the attorney chosen was the next on the list. That was not true, but Ms. Marie would not counter such a suggestion. She also had no comment when Ms. Donaldson wanted to know how Rev. Dr. Bennett could be considered ‘indigent” when his family paid several thousands of dollars to hire attorneys to represent him and they could not because the state sponsored attorney was court appointed and was not going to be replaced by anyone.

We could go on for pages, but we will stop here and hope for more feedback from you. Please pass this on to as many people as possible. We are most grateful to those who passed this on so we were able to get a copy of the motion which started all of this.

God keep you safe in all that you do and may you and your family never experience anything even close to this.

All of us at Bettina’s

Cooperatively researched


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