Lessons Learned and Commitments Given going into 2019
Sent to us by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community to share with all of you as we start creating yet more history. May we be conscious of the fact that what we do today is tomorrows’ unchangeable, irreversible history.
- I have learned so much in 2018. My first trip staying in one of the Bettina Homes (in Harvard Square) started me thinking, searching and moving in a new direction. I was particularly struck by what I learned about the Bettina Network, inc., as it struggled to find investors to grow the business only to be blocked by investors sending others to take their idea, their experience gains over years of building the business which showed their ideas to be workable. It is clear that was about racism and sexism. Since then I have done my own research to go deeper into what happened and I was able to move beyond what I learned there to begin to understand our Venture Capitalists in these United States. I was also shocked to see how strong the influence of Saudi Arabia is and has been in the U. S. business community and on who and what projects are funded. I found more than Bettina Network’s ideas stolen and developed into businesses which have become huge. I have seen how the people who started and built those businesses have been treated and I am appalled at how quietly that has been done. Individuals in different parts of this country have been destroyed so their business and ideas could be taken and expanded by others chosen for some spurious reasons. It is an example of what happens when Saudi Arabia and white Northern European upperclass men form an unholy alliance to control, contain and ‘rule over.’
What is being set down as the ‘business community of the future’ will look the way Saudi Arabia deems the world should look – white, northern european with Saudi Arabia in the world mix – males who are sort of thuggish looking and acting – and so much more to fill out that stereotype. Possibly because that is who is hungriest and will ignore ethics, honor, integrity and more to gain their goal?
What is distressing are the few people who are aware of this. Who is funding the corporations springing up from seemingly nothing to become major corporate players? What is being required of them? Why is the theft of other peoples work playing such a large part in this? Why are those people suffering that theft minorities – particularly African American women?
We talk about the past and can tick off the names of minorities whose business models and experience were stolen from them, but we do nothing about it except support those who have done the stealing and the names we tick off are from another generation. We don’t go near those with whom we are currently dealing. It is right in front of you America. And as it becomes larger what will you do? And how will that affect you? Who will be your leaders – and they will be chosen for you by who?
2. Immigration is my focus for 2019.
It is all over everyplace and yet not talked about with its full history in tow. We cut off bits and pieces so we don’t have to look at a total picture of the history of immigration in the United States? Why have we today reached such a point that someone like Trump is allowed to separate and forcibly take children from their parents, even babies from their mother’s arms? We now know there are children dying in these United States whose parents came from horrendous situations looking for asylum. These children are being abused, thrown against the wall, slammed and brutalized and more. How did we get to this place? Why are we allowing this to happen in these United States?
As I read history this is how the United States started. In the beginning it was not about those on this continent screening others landing on its shore escaping persecution from the countries from which they’ve come. It was about those people coming to escape that persecution – but it is also about them persecuting those who welcomed them; supported them; helped them get settled; showed them how to grow the food indigenous to these shores and those who were given so much turning around to slaughter their supporters. Trump has tried mightily to denigrate the name ‘Pocahontas’ in service to his own power and money needs, but it is those like her and so many others whose names and histories we don’t know who gave like she did, who had compassion for those landing here.
After that we began having thousands of immigrants coming to these shores in chains; on slave ships which transported other goods going back to pickup more people in chains from the continent of Africa, and picking them up against their will while forcing them to work as slaves for generations, denigrating them for generations after they managed to break free. Immigration by force – it was in the hundreds of millions.
Many others came of their own free will looking for a better life and so a formal immigration center in different ports was set up to “process” and “welcome” these.
Amazingly, those who came before in need – the English, Germans, Italians, Irish, and so many more – some coming from religious persecution – were not happy about welcoming their brothers and sisters in need as they were similarly in need just a couple generations earlier. There was always a group wanting to shut the borders, close the doors and not let those awful, dangerous, terrorist type people into this country.
Once these new modern day immigrants arrived and were let into the country they suffered bigotry, denial, and had to take inferior jobs. Doctors and others like them came from other countries and found their credentials worth nothing in these United States because of the colonialism we intensely practiced within our borders so they had to go back to school and re-do their education, internships and practices before they were allowed to pursue their vocation. In those cases, the colonial mentality prevailed. We believed there was no medicine as great as that practiced in the United States so you had to re-credential yourself to practice medicine obtaining United States credentials. Colonialism was and is not dead, we practice it in ever increasing degrees of ugliness and in ever more oppressive ways. Once in a while that abates, but as we are seeing with this current administration there are strong forces in these United States that do not want that to go away – it serves their purposes for power, control, wealth taken not earned and taken at the expense of so many others.
And todays version of this immigration – where we elect a president whose first words announcing his candidacy is about keeping out Mexicans because he claims they are “rapists, terrorists….” and worse.
Concentration Camps are established in which to keep those coming to this country asking for asylum. Children sleep on cold floors and are subject to all kinds of abuse.
What is wrong with us? Why do we so continuously insist we are so much better than and we must only let into this country and deal with those we deem “equal to us” and that definition of “equal to” is horrendous and vicious.
I hope we can find our souls – rescue them from the trash bins and from hell – and begin to be the people we are capable of being who have love, understanding, who are giving and who want to establish the country that it is clear we are capable of establishing without all the trappings of evil we insist on embroidering into our government, our businesses, our lives.
3. Our best wishes to you for a wonderful 2019. We follow Bettina Network Foundation because our major interest is in homelessness. Your blog about banks being majorly responsible for what has happened to so many people that they wind up homeless is something we understand and agree with. We hope 2019 will some way/some how address that so we can at least mitigate the horrible lives of so many while others have so much it is obscene to see how they spend and live and denigrate the very people whose lives have made their ‘living large’ possible. You will be our major charitable giving for 2019.
4. Greetings to all! May 2019 bring happiness, love, success, knowledge and especially wisdom to us all as we go about living our lives. May we live our best possible life in 2019!
5. Must we forever repeat the errors of the past which we see and even read about in our books and magazines and see on our television and internet screens daily? The one emotion this society is fast losing is “empathy”. We are so throwing empathy out that we have elected a leader who clearly lives his life having discarded empathy for money and power. As a country, we are bordering on the “disgraceful” edge before falling off a very treacherous cliff which we seem to think will not happen to us – because why?
Ed. Note: We had many more comments to share from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community. The above 5 brings together most of them. Keep sending and we will keep publishing – Your opinions; your recipe’s; your ways of living; your business developments; your scientific achievements or ideas you want others to know about. Share in 2019 what you are about, have learned, are doing, are exciting about – we will keep printing. Share also your ideas as to how we can move forward getting ‘news’ to others.
What do we consider “News”
“News” is – the facts of what is happening in the world.
“News” is – your opinion and thoughts of those facts and people and events.
“News” is – how you live your life – how you love – your religious feelings and inspirations – your arts, crafts, creativity – and so much more!
We need you to help us develop what is “News” and in what forms will we share that with others around the world.
Our wish for you for 2019:
“May God bless you and keep you;
May God’s face shine upon you,
And God be gracious to you;
May God’s countenance be upon you, with you,
And give you peace, love, and the restoration of your faith forever more.” __________________________________________________
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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale
Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net
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