Keeping Hair Healthy

copyright 2008 Bettina Network, Inc.


As you grow old you will notice your hair gets drier and it becomes “fly away” hair.  If your hair was naturally curly, it now no longer holds a curl for more then a day.
Wash your hair and let it dry.  (That’s simple enough).
You need two or three organic eggs for this treatment – depending on the length of your hair.
Crack open the eggs put them in a small bowl and whip with a fork – not a lot, just a little as though you were going to make scrambled eggs.  Part your hair with a comb and with your fingers scoop up the raw egg and rub it into your scalp, right in the part.  Continue parting your hair – at small intervals of no more than 1/2 inch and repeat the process of scooping up the raw egg and rubbing it into the new part.
When you have finished rubbing the raw eggs into your scalp, take what is left over and put it on the rest of your hair.  Scoop the hair up onto your head and make sure it is totally covered and wet with the raw egg.
Massage your hair and scalp for a minute or two.  You will find the eggs act like soap and will foam a little bit.  That’s good!!  Just think of all the good omega-3, protein and other good nutrients  going into your scalp.
Put a shower cap over your hair and let the eggs soak into your hair and scalp for about 1/2 hour.
With the little egg left over in the bowl, give yourself a facial.  Gently rub the raw egg all over your face. I use it on my eye lids and also under my eyes.  Lie down for the 1/2 hour you need for this face and scalp egg treatment to work, with your feet up.
This egg facial is also a nice change from the Vitamin A and dry milk facial we outlined for you in another one of these articles.
Did you know that whatever you put on your skin or scalp shows up in your blood stream almost immediately?  So don’t complicate things, use organic eggs laid by hens that run around in the sun all day, otherwise, don’t bother.  We think it is a waste of time and resources.  Just stop a minute and think of what’s in your blood stream when you dye your hair or use those ingredients you can neither spell nor pronounce.
Rinse the eggs out of your hair and off your face after 1/2 hour.  DO NOT WASH YOUR HAIR, ONLY RINSE OUT THE EGGS. You might increase this beauty treatment for your hair by clipping a vitamin E capsule and putting it on your hair for a little oil to be absorbed.
This is best done twice a week – if you are over 80 years old.
Once a week if you are over 70 years old
Every other week if you are 70 or younger.
In a few months you should see great results.  The baby hair that used to be around my face is beginning to grow back since I started this regimen.
When you start getting great results, do write and let us know.  Testimonials are always good for those doubting Thomasinas among us.

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