Insurance Fraud – Attempted Destruction of a human being – and so much more!

Each day brings drama such as we have never seen before. We had no idea the Health/Medical field had such incredible things happening.

Keeping up with all that is happening takes a lot of work. We are trying to walk a fine line with what we publish because Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett want to preserve a bit of privacy because a law suit is going to follow all of this, but at the same time, we think the public has a right to know what the medical/health industry is producing and how quickly and totally your rights are being destroyed. It is like living in an extreme fascist country when you deal in this area.

There is so much constant insurance fraud it is difficult to document. We will start with the smallest things we have seen.

When leaving a medical facility Dr. Bennett was offered a walking stick and a walker. He had several of both because the Donaldson/Bennett’s are avid estate sale shoppers and have purchased things they didn’t need at that moment, but they could see a possible use in the future and they had guests who they thought might need such when visiting.

Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson have two walkers – which they keep in the basement in case they are needed. They paid $5 for the two. They also had three walking sticks, not including an exquisite carved African piece. The three regular walking sticks cost them $2.00 each.

From a medical facility they were encouraged to take a walking stick. they declined and said they already had three. The person encouraging them said they should take it anyway because it was “free” and theirs anyway so they should take it.

Turns out that is not quite true. It was “free” to Dr. Bennett because his insurance was paying the bill and the insurance company was charged $12.00 for the walking stick that was represented as being “free”. Same thing with the walker.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is now at home. He was discharged from Mass General Hospital on Monday. Dr. Bennett’s son made an agreement with the people at Mass General who were keeping him incarcerated for Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services that if Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson agreed to accept “Home Care Services” then Dr. Bennett would be released on Monday.

The Donaldson/Bennett’s kept their part of the bargain. The Mass General people did not keep theirs. It has been extreme drama since Dr. Bennett has been home beginning with the fact that the Home Care Agency chosen could not be chosen by either Dr. Bennett, his wife, nor anyone else in the family. Mass General’s people would make that choice.

We would call what has and is happening attempted murder, and/or the attempt to destroy an African American male. And as we said before, this is not the only case of such we have found – in Massachusetts and around the country. We would say “attempted murder” because Dr. Bennett would be kept alive, barely, until his insurance ran out and they would have taken all of the Donaldson Bennett assets and then the actual murder or the turning out onto the street of Dr. Bennett would, no doubt, take place. And, this is not just conjecture, we have people calling us constantly now because of the blogs we have written documenting what has been happening to Dr. Bennett. They have seen a commonality with what they are experiencing and they are calling us for help or to just have someone to tell their story to because it all sounds so bizarre it can be difficult to believe that such happens in what is supposed to be a “free country.”

When Dr. Bennett was released from the hospital, his son picked him up and brought him home. It was a shock to see him. He could no longer walk except with the help of a walker and one person on either side holding him up. He looked disheveled and unkempt. He left the hospital and arrived home in socks because his shoes no longer fit. His feet were extremely swollen and the socks almost did not fit they were so tight. Dr. Bennett talked about being in California and later in other parts of the world including conversation about events no one knew what he was talking about.

As everyone gathered around several people committed to being there to be able to take care of Dr. Bennett. His wife took charge and things began to change. The first thing they worked on was helping Dr. Bennett get back his ability to walk on his own.

It took about two days for Dr. Bennett to begin walking on his own. He very quickly reached the point of being able to walk from home to the post office and today he takes a daily one mile walk around Harvard Square. At 87 years old, having been forced to stay in bed some five weeks during all of which his friends and family were not able to visit nor see him nor talk to him via telephone because he was held under some kind of “Security” to keep him “safe” – that was nothing short of a miracle and an answer to prayer. That “Security” allowed all of this to happen because there were no eyes on Dr. Bennett of people who care about him and would have raised red flags if they had known how bad things were for him.

His feet were addressed next and Ms. Donaldson was able to get the swelling down to the point where that Dr. Bennett could wear shoes again. So now he can go for walks with his own shoes on instead of oversized galoshes stuffed with paper and other materials to make them comfortable.

Dr. Bennett, who never took medicine and never wanted to take medicine of any kind, not even aspirin nor tylenol was sent home with some 12 plus bottles of medicine with orders to take them and the intervals necessary. These were the medicines which had been given to Dr. Bennett during his stay in Mass General. There was a twice daily schedule for him to take these medicines. It was painful to see him take a couple of them because they clearly burned Dr. Bennett as they went down and he showed the results of having had to take such and endure the pain as they went down, for so many weeks.

All of those medicines were amazing to us because Dr. Bennett had not been forced into the hospital for medical reasons. Remember? He was “sectioned” by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services without any psychologist or psychiatrist having examined him. The woman who signed for him to be sectioned had never even met Dr. Bennett. In addition, Dr. Bennett had never overdosed on drugs or alcohol nor did he have public displays which would threaten people in the public nor was he a threat to himself. In fact, Dr. Bennett does not smoke, drink alcohol, does not take drugs and has never had even a hint of mental problems. So it was quite a shocker to discover that a couple of the “medicines” sent home with Dr. Bennett were psychotropic drugs. Therein the light began to dawn and we begin to understand where the flights of fancy Dr. Bennett had about being other places and having a hard time knowing where he was – it became clear to us where those things had come from.

That has all cleared up as the drugs in his system were eliminated and he is himself again. That made all of us breathe a huge sigh of relief when we realized he would be fine, but it also seriously angered us to know how much ugliness had been done to such an incredibly lovely person.

When Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett was in Mass General he was kept in bed for five weeks. That would have destroyed or “incapacitated” many people. Thank God that did not happen to Dr. Bennett. As we went back over what he had been given, we knew from the very brief conversations we had with him over the telephone when he was in the hospital that something was wrong because one day he would sound fine and the next he would be exhausted for no apparent cause. We discovered that he was given drugs that were depressives and a couple of them were sent home with him. Our guess was that this is what one had to do to keep someone in bed for such a long period of time, who was not sick and who had been as active as Dr. Bennett had been.

Because of the agreement Dr. Bennett’s son had to make with Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services just to get Dr. Bennett home, we could not simply stop giving Dr. Bennett the drugs sent home with him from Mass General Hospital. We were forced to continue giving hime those drugs. Dr. Bennett’s son had to negotiate with a doctor that because these were not prescription drugs, none given in the course of some disease, or for any other real medical reason, why did he have to take them and wouldn’t it be possible to stop them because they were not needed and were clearly causing Dr. Bennett physical and psychological problems. The doctor agreed and those drugs were no longer given to Dr. Bennett. Once they cleared out of his system he was back and strong. The bill for those drugs must be horrendous and we would guess into at least a couple hundred dollars.

Today, we are dealing with the Home Care People who come into the house.

That was the hardest of all to accept. A large part of the agreement Dr. Bennett’s son had to make for Dr. Bennett to be able to leave Mass General Hospital was they had to agree to allow Home Care People from Blissful Agency into the house. The Bennett/Donaldsons concern was the possibility of the family coming down with coronavirus because of so many people coming and going. Before Dr. Bennett was released, Ms. Donaldson kept herself inside the house and didn’t let anyone into the house because she knew Dr. Bennett would one day be home and she wanted to make sure the house was as clear as possible of coronavirus because she had sheltered at home and closed the home to others. Now it was open to whoever the Blissful Agency sent and they had no say so over anything.

So far, the nurses they have sent have done exceptional jobs. They take care to have on a mask and gloves. If their clothes have picked up something from the many places they go we had no control of that and that still worries all of us. We could only stand aside and pray hard that Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson would get through this too without coming down with the coronavirus.

There have been a couple exceptional experiences. One is yet to come this Friday at 10am when the “Occupational Therapist” comes back. This is the most amazing and the most negative experience so far, from what we could see. We had some questions about her first visit, but decided to keep an open mind. Dr. Bennett and his family said they did not need an “Occupational Therapist” and there was an appointment for the afternoon and that was supposed to be a “Physical Therapist.” Instead, the Occupational Therapist who the family said was not necessary came anyway and it was not a great experience.

She visited Dr. Bennett’s bathroom and had him sit on the toilet and get up – but he was completely dressed at the time, so maybe that was routine. She also had him get into the shower – fully clothed. The Donaldson/Bennett’s have a walk-in shower so there are no impediments to anyone getting in or out.

The “Occupational Therapist” suggested a stool be put in the shower, which she thought was needed. It was a bit strange because she knew Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson showered together so exactly what a stool in the shower would do was a bit mystifying, but trying to be open and accepting and keeping up the spirit of the agreement the Bennett/Donaldsons did just that.

Last night, however, they received a telephone call from the “Occupational Therapist” who said she would arrive on Friday about 10am and she wanted to see Dr. Bennett take an actual shower and not with his clothes on.

There we had a real problem. Since Dr. Bennett is now completely mobile; goes for walks every day of at least one mile; rides his stationary bicycle daily and has access to two other pieces of exercise equipment in his home on a daily basis with no problems, his ability to get around and do whatever he needs to do is not in question so what was the point of having to see him take a shower – sans clothes – and a walk-in shower at that made no sense.

Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson agreed, but with the proviso that Dr. Bennett take a shower the way he normally would – which is with his wife.

Also amazingly, the “Occupational Therapist” thought that would be fine.

We wondered if we should film this “Home Care Shower Exhibit” because we would probably be able to sell the film to a porn film group and we wondered further what that had to do with home care?

Our next installment will go into detail about the breaking of the agreement Dr. Bennett’s son made with Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services which Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services broke on Tuesday and continue to break daily with the extreme harassment they and Attorney O’Sullivan are bringing down onto the backs of Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. It is what they have done continually for all of the time they have harassed, injured, attempted to destroy this African American family. This time they are coming around with a scenario to send up a picture of this being Jews and Blacks harassing each other, however, we see the shadows of the real culprits in the background – doing what? – for how much money? The picture becomes uglier exponentially, but clearer as to what is really happening here.


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The Labyrinth

February 11, 2008

Bread – Bettina Style

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