Industrialization of Information

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2011

What follows is a summary – as best we could – of a very interesting breakfast conversation in one of the bed & breakfast homes in the Bettina Network, inc.  It is a woefully inadequate summary, but it is one we think you will understand from the bits and pieces we picked up.

“Our ancestors lived through and saw their lives dramatically changed by the Industrialization of Agriculture. Some good, but a whole lot not so good, has come out of that still-ongoing movement.  

We moved from a pastoral, family oriented, farm society in which we knew where our food came from; we knew how it was grown; we didn’t eat food very far from its source; and we created much of what we needed. From that era we have moved to a society where we eat food which has been processed so much that we don’t know what it was originally; have to read the labels to find out what’s in the food being sold; and when we do we discover food is the last ingredient on the label, most of the other ingredients are words we can neither read nor pronounce.  The dilution, pasteurization, manipulation of real food has happened while we were all looking in another direction.  

Huge machinery has been designed and built to produce things like potato chips, bread, cookies, jam, rice, pasta and to make vegetables into things we could never imagine and wouldn’t eat if we hand’t been introduced to some really grotesque abominations from childhood.  Healthy real foods have been processed and industrialized into out of control and life denying addictions.  Animals are being raised and slaughtered in ways that make science fictions’ most abominable and ruthless monsters cry at the thought of what we do to the animals with which we share this earth.

Today, the big industry is the food industry with processing taking place on nearly every food item available and those which are not now in the processing industry are being pushed there by the ever increasing and more ridiculous requirements of the FDA – i.e. the edict that raw almonds have to be pasteurized before they can be sold because of the fear of mold negatively affecting those who buy and eat raw almonds.  Almonds, which have been sold and eaten raw for thousands of years with no bad effects on those who have eaten them.

We are a society with increasing kinds of illnesses happening from this processing, genetic expansion, experimental development from the corporate farm.

The same type of thing is happening in the information arena.  We are digitizing, organizing, exploding the information available to the average person.  We are organizing people into social networks and feeding them all kinds of information which is becoming a necessity instead of a some-time thing.  Where is that going?  How will that affect everyday people?  What will it do to how we live and what is considered necessary for modern survival?

It is bizarre with some of the equipment, which has become indispensable.  If you are of an age, you went about your life without a cell phone and felt very secure in where you were going, how you were going to get there and some smattering of what to do in case of an emergency.

Today, many children hyperventilate at the thought of their parents going around without a cell phone.  They feel and articulate that they have no emergency outlet if something horrible befalls them.  These are parents who didn’t know anything about cell phones and let’s not even mention grandparents.

If you moved from one city to another, you found your way around and found your way to the local library, city hall and other places to become acquainted with your new surroundings.  Today, many feel stripped naked if they move and don’t have access to their computer and Google, Yahoo or some other search engine.  They absolutely can’t function without it.

The first thing many of us do when meeting someone new is to “Google” them to see what is on line about them; click on their address to see what kind of house they live in, etc.  We don’t feel comfortable with another human being until we have “Googled” them.

We moved on from there in a very lively debate, but I think you get the gist of the breakfast conversation.  –  Huge amounts of money is being made taking what was in the public sphere and putting it in the technology sphere making money on this information in the process.  Much more will gradually be put into some form of this informational industrialization with many more making obscene amounts of money manipulating what was free.

In the process we become more and more tied to machines and the developing technology as we get sicker by the minute from what this technology and its developing delivery utensils are doing to our bodies.  They irradiate, and do all kinds of other things to us, our genes, our bodies, our environment, our lifestyle AND the food we snack on while engaging in and enjoying this newfound power.  The Industrialization of Information ties into and promotes the Industrialization of our food industry. One promotes the other.  And where will it all end?  In the industrialization of yet another part of this society?  Or in leaving this world to robots which will be the only things which will be able to survive the atmosphere and environment we are creating.

Maybe we need a group to look into and study this, presenting their findings globally in a webinar which will compete with another study groups’ webinar encouraging us to go back to the primitive life before all of this happened and outlining how to do this.

We won’t be able to run off to Vermont as one could do to escape much of the Industrialization of Food because Vermont is well into the Industrialization of Information.  Those who are going back to the ‘old ways’, the ‘non-consumer’ ways by running off to Vermont usually do so taking with them their technology toys.  So we will have to find another safe haven to which we can escape when we have made millions from this new Industrialization and find it too difficult to sustain ourselves as humans through old age in the world we created.

Ed. Note:  Hmmmm, isn’t that the Christian definition of sin?  Probably the definition of sin in many of the world’s religions


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