Impeachment/Trump/July 4th

All of the conjectures about Donald Trump – Nancy Pelosi – Impeachment – who is on which side are amazing.

Let me add what we have received from several people:

If the beginnings of Trump’s impeachment is declared and voted into being before July 4th Trump will resign out of shame. An emotion he rarely shows – except in this instance where he is planning on a huge Fourth of July celebration as close to the one he experienced in France with the marching armies and all of the excitement. He saw himself then being glorified by such in the United States in a much larger and grander event and started planning such a celebration as soon as he returned to the United States.

His plans were upended because no one wanted to spend millions on such a spectacle – it is not the “American Way”.

So Trump found something which is the American Way which he could turn into a celebration which glorified Trump – the Fourth of July. This has been in the planning stages for quite a long period of time. Trump and his supporters are counting on this celebration and holiday featuring Trump to solve many of his problems and they will go forward into the sunset together after a triumph which links Trump and the 4th together.

If the impeachment of Trump starts before the Four of July he will go bananas. An illegitimate president – put in place by Russian finagling – and one now under impeachment – is not going to be glorified, but the Fourth of July would be the center around which huge actions against Trump by the Resistance would be formed and not many would be out to respond to him and his celebration the way he is now planning for that to happen. It is today something which he sees as making him larger than life. For his impeachment to begin before this holiday and its Trumpian theme up front and center would be his end.

He would probably resign before July 4th rather than go through such an incredible totally horrific experience. If that is at all possible he would walk through fire to see the Fourth of July honoring Donald Trump happen.


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The Labyrinth

February 11, 2008

Bread – Bettina Style

January 20, 2008

Republican Women Unite

January 5, 2008

Bread Pudding in honor of Pauli Murray*

December 28, 2007

Almond and Cancer

December 22, 2007