Immigration by Merit!

It is amazing to hear Donald Trump calling on the United States to change the immigration requirements. Amazing because if we had immigration by merit the Trump family would not be in the United States. They would have been amongst those rejected for immigration on any level – including asylum.

Trump’s grandfather’s specious background was outlined in another blog.

In this one let’s look at where Fred Trump – Donald’s father – got his wealth.

Fred Trump had a partner with whom he grew his wealth. Willie Tomisello, a man who – it is claimed – fronted for the mafia – in particular the Gambino and Genovese families. That explains some of which we found – receipts where Trump purchased concrete from the Gambino family and more.

Donald Trump himself, as he grew up and took over from his father beat at least four federal grand juries – which could explain his arrogance and the way he is now handling his response to the Mueller investigation.

So, we now have a president who has the style and ways of the mafia – so the United States is changing into a country where mafia style relating is becoming the norm. The foul language used normally and in practically every speech and appearance Trump makes is setting quite a low bar for our children, let alone the lifestyle of this president. Our children are watching and their teen years are going to be very different because the ethical example they are now seeing will set them on a very different path than that which their parents are trying to put their feet.

I prefer to think the presidential election of 2016 was hacked. I would hate to think that United States voting citizens elected such a person.

Mafia background – KKK, White Supremacist, White Nationalist from the time he was a very young boy who was influenced by his father’s connections to such organizations – serial adulterer – claimed abuser and assaulter of women – evil enough to kidnap children from their parents and keep both in Concentration Camps exposing them to the possibility of death through the “cold rooms” and to the sexual assault we are now hearing about which is taking place in those “Concentration Camps” in which they are put and so much more – business man who filed bankruptcy some 9 to 11 times – that evil shows forth in his past – learned at the knees of Jos McCarthy during the time of McCarthyism and during the time Donald Trump was the protege of Roy Cohn – expects everything from others and gives nothing as particularly shown in how he treated his mentor Roy Cohn when Cohn was dying of AIDS and Trump just disappeared when before he was seen around town having candlelight suppers with Cohn and socializing with Cohn’s friends, accepting all kinds of legal help from Cohn without paying, etc. etc. etc. – and that does not mean Cohn was such a great person that does mean Trump treats everyone including his mentor who was majorly responsible for bringing Trump and his company from Queens to Manhattan as though they are responsible to him without a vice versa. His choice of Roy Cohn and Joe McCarthy as mentors says even more about this United States President and his choices. We can see that being played out in his choices of people to serve in his administration. They will be forever tarred by the Trump brush.

And now you have Trump playing footsie with the Eastern European mafia and probably also the Russian mafia as he seems to aspire to become an Oligarch – one of those boys. Does that mean he has given the finger to the Italian mafia? – if so, how do you guys feel about that?

When you add it up – people wise – that all accounts for Trump’s base except for a few bigots who are hiding behind what they are now calling “Conservatism”, but in actuality are supporting the “Don” because inside all of his rhetoric is the one promise – that he will make sure they stay as White on top stepping on all minorities and does everything he can to reduce the numbers and positions of minorities and women. Keeping women within the old stereotype of a “lady” – barebreasted, pregnant, powerless, beholden to and doing the work of “her man” or “her men”. And so you have the “Don” strongly behind anti-abortion. How can you keep a woman subservient if she can legally control her own body.

So there you have America exposed. And the rest of us are still mightily struggling to develop and keep this as a republic on a sound ethical base on its way to becoming a democracy.


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The Labyrinth

February 11, 2008

Bread – Bettina Style

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Republican Women Unite

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Bread Pudding in honor of Pauli Murray*

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