Identity Politics – U.S.A. Style
We are currently deep into “Identity Politics” – put there by Donald Trump and his push for power at any cost.
We had a hilarious time as we gathered because someone brought up the current Republican drive to become the WASP Party in America.
It was hilarious because the remaining people who identify as Republicans are anything but WASPS. We have identified them as RepublicanX.
As this RepublicanX Party becomes solidified – or should be say ossified – they are backed up and “protected” by a mostly Irish police force.
We said this post was about “Identity Politics” so get ready for some hard ‘facts’ which most of us don’t want to deal with. We have not created the “identifies” – we are just using what others have created so if you object to our identifying the current police force as “Irish” – go read something else.
As you all know by now, the police in the U. S. were created to back, protect and maintain slavery – particularly to maintain the slave property of White America. In the early days, they did go after the runaway slaves and others involved in such transactions and treated them roughly. Today’s treatment of protestors and others trying to free todays slave replacements would be an analogy to how slaves were treated in the old days by the Irish police force.
The Irish police were protecting the property of those who were identified as WASPS. In case you are new to all of this – WASP = White Anglo Saxon Protestants do not include the Irish, nor the Italians in this RepublicanX Party. Once the dust clears and the RepublicanX clearly win those will be treated as the second class citizens they are in this country. And besides, they are probably Catholic.
WASPS are the people who ran the country, owned everything therein with some very few exceptions, held the power, etc. etc.
Today, however, the Irish police are protecting the WASP wannabes. Those who are trying as hard as they can to identify themselves as WASPS. Since they can’t, according to the old definitions, we will call them “WASP Wannabes.”
We have seen them acting out the stereotype of WASPS and it is the most hilarious thing you have seen. We wondered why some serial television shows like Downton Abbey were so popular. Is this the history they are adopting as the history of their family and friends? And – are these shows documentaries or wishful thinking on the part of those RepublicanX as they try to pattern themselves after what they have conceived as the 21st Century Downton Abbey reproduction.
WASP Wannabes have coerced Senator Tim Scott into renouncing what he claimed to believe in 2016-2017 about race, etc. to make his big speech on the night of President Joseph Biden’s speech to the joint session of Congress. He put himself into the role of the Africans slaves and newly ‘exonerated” slaves and those colored folks who became a part of the White Supremacist groups in these United States. Even the KU Klux Klan had a black ‘hanger-on’ although they were not called that. They were called the “N” word and accepted the appellation
One black person – one African American – would be attached to each White Supremacist group – like today’s White Supremacist RepublicanX Party – and they would spout the philosophy, beliefs, etc. of that group. Racists all, including the African American. Oh, and lets now forget the minority group called the Jews. Stephen Miller succeeds admirably as the one Jew attached to the White Supremacist RepublicanX Party to disprove the rule of its anti-semitism.
Senator Tim Scott has turned himself and his career away from the path it and he were taking into that follower of the White Supremacist Group because? – he could thereby maintain the fiction of power they have given him and gotten him to believe that he is going to become “a big power” in the party? Maybe its next presidential candidate? Or has Senator Scott done something this group has unearthed and is now holding something akin to blackmail over Senator Scott’s head?
Racism oppresses minorities in very vicious ways. Racism creates an unbelievable insecurity in whites which we have seen for decades – in fact for some 400 plus years in this country and each year the insecurity becomes worse – larger – more unexplainable for people who have arrogated power unto themselves and a lesser status to others. Don’t they believe the lies they tell about the “inferiority” of others?
That insecurity is showing – looking like the elegant dress of someone who has somehow acquired a designer original outfit and when putting it on the outfit shows this filthy and raggedy and torn slip hanging out from under the designer original dress, suit, etc.
Under their leadership and under their enforced so called superiority we have climate problems; homelessness out of control; poverty amongst innocent children because their families are being so screwed over so the third generation immigrants can have it all; space exploration when our problems at home on this earth are exploding; and on and on and on.</p>
In their attempt to have the Republican Party become the RepublicanX Party so they can take it over, function therein and come out with the identity of the former WASPS – is this what we are seeing. Hey wasn’t that an Italian we saw in that RepublicanX Party? No French, however, because they have long identified as “better than.” The English class structure has a few loop holes which allow English who have acquired money, property, power, etc. to rise to the top after some really difficult decades. The French class structure doesn’t even bother with that – you are either a member of the ruling family’s family or you are less than. Nothing leaving space for a bit of ‘shade’. Even those New Orleans Creoles have adopted that class structure – which is how the ‘shade’ has infiltrated into French identity.
Besides Senator Scott and his new position as the “N” to the White Supremacists, we understand he is about to be joined by a woman who will be playing the same role to the White Supremacists as Senator Scott is now playing. A more complete picture of the insecurity in the white identity being shored up by an “N” word person and a “B” word person.
What happens next? Where does this story go? Can Joe Biden pull off a great ending Hollywood style as he moves on from the hero of the Pandemic – the COVID 19 Pandemic – to the eliminator of poverty and the one who solves the immigration problem?
BTW – the immigration problem looks so much like a replant of the White Supremacist system amongst those who come to this country looking for ‘freedom’. How do you solve a problem where the White Supremacists are the former immigrants who were so reviled during the generation they ‘escaped’ to these United States and endured the horror of the oppressive treatment meted out to the newly arrived – those who want to become U. S. citizens and risk everything to escape from their current countries – and more.
Are we ever messed up. It is time for the White Supremacists to resign – find a spot someplace to sit themselves down and observe others doing better what they messed up.
This is the legacy of White Supremacy. This is the group the WASPS want to imitate. This is the road on which the RepublicanX want us all to keep treading. This is the road from which they have gained their superiority.
Did slavery end because the New England WASPS finally had enough money and power and needed for slavery to end so the Industrial Revolution could gain great control because machines were cheaper than, better than, easier to control than Africans stolen from their countries?
We have worked our way into quite a mess and the RepublicanX are trying to dig deeper holes around which we are supposed to walk without falling in.
Good luck America!
P. S. About the Irish Police – did you know everyone writing this and/or contributing has Irish ancestors? Did you know our leader – Marceline’s family name is “Adams”. Maybe even related to John Quincy?
Now – don’t you all respond at once. We need to recover from a few responses at a time.
Truth is tough to deal with, to accept. It gets in the way of our trying to move forward correcting the mistakes that the lies ingrained in us all have caused.
A Private Message to Governor Romney: Want to know how to move out of the mess you are in as a RepublicanX? Want to know how to use your intelligence, wisdom and partial ability to stand up for what you believe? Call us – we will help!
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