How we cook rice!

Potatoes seem to be the accompaniment to all dishes. Very seldom do we find rice at a friends’ homes; restaurants; other places to eat.

We found what we believe to be an extraordinary way to cook rice – some say it prevents cancer. We don’t know that, but we will put it out there for you anyway.

Using Jasmine Rice, put a bit of butter in the pan in which you are going to cook the rice. Add one cup of rice and let it cook in the butter a few minutes – stirring all the time.

Using a “Magic Bullet” or some other device which turns food like tomatoes into liquid – put two tomatoes into this or a blender or etc. and let it turn the tomatoes into a liquid. Add this to the rice which is cooking in butter. Two tomatoes cut into four pieces are perfect for one cup of rice. Add a cup of water, a bit of salt to taste and let this mixture cook until it becomes rice as you know it. I have reached the point of never cooking rice without reaching for a tomato to add to the rice.

You could also add seasonings. We have tried a bit of thyme – excellent. A little bit of oregano – even better. A teaspoon or so of turmeric – now that’s health. Whatever you like and it will add tremendously to the rice. This is not fried rice, this is regular ordinary rice cooked a step beyond just rice and water.

You might want to be careful that the rice you choose is always “organically grown.”

As a side dish this can’t be beat. You will soon give up your potato addiction for something else.

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