Hillary Clinton – Thank you!
by: Marceline Donaldson
I saw Hillary Clinton on television today talking about the Kavanaugh situation, among other things.
She has been dumped on by Donald Trump unbelievably and when in trouble, it seems as though Brett Kavanaugh has picked up the habit. For white males – when things don’t go your way, dump on a prominent woman. Especially, dump on one who has accomplished much and is about eliminating the misogyny you practice. The way both have treated women is an example of evil. Given that, I thought I might summarize some of the things I remember about Hillary.
When Richard Nixon was in office, one of the negative things he did was to give money to white only academies claiming that was a great way to expand the educational offerings and a good use for tax payers money. Those were the days when schools were being pushed to integrate and white families were sending their children to these “academies”. – They were for whites only, private schools, many evangelical church sponsored and all seem to have been financed with government funds.
These academies were draining books and equipment and everything else from schools open to all children, but there was a lot of anger among whites that their children were being put in this ugly position of having to go to the same school African American children attended so they had no thoughts about going after and accepting this money – probably without one thought in their heads that some of the money they were accepting for the schools they were establishing for whites only came from money earned by African Americans.
Hillary Clinton was working with Marian Wright Edelman at the time. When she left Wellesley College, the first place she went was to work with Ms. Edelman trying to establish schools for those children who were orphans.
In 1972 Hillary went undercover in Dothan, Alabama because everyone knew the money the government was giving to these academies was being given to schools which did not accept blacks. That would have violated what the money was to be used for and the kind of schools which should have been given that government money. The schools denied that they were racist and declared they were open to every child, the problem – according to the administration in those school was not that they were eliminating and not accepting blacks, but the problem was blacks didn’t apply.
Hillary went undercover posing as a white parent – and of course she found that only whites were accepted, any and all blacks were rejected and so some of those academies lost their government funding.
I suspect that is something Donald Trump and his follower hold against Hillary. It is, however, something about her that we celebrate.
Over the years Hillary – between jobs as she moved up the ladder job wise and politically – always found time to go back to work with Marian Edelman and was quite successful in what both she and Marian accomplished.
I thank her for caring and apologize because many in the society in which we live cannot and will not accept women as equal and particularly can’t accept a white woman who has worked as hard for the equality of blacks as she has. It is certainly not because Hillary wasn’t out there fighting to open doors for all of us.
When things get tough for you Ms. Rodham, remember that there are lots of people like me out here holding you up in prayer, thanking you for your work and thanking God for your life.
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