Herman Cain follow-up
We saw the article about Herman Cain with Marceline’s comments and a quote from the Bettina Network’s blog and it provided our little breakfast table group with a hilarious morning. I thought I needed to write a blog about this notice taken of our little blog. If you are interested in reading Marceline’s publicity go to The Daily Beast – an online publication – and look for their December 2nd article entitled: “Herman Cain Used the Affirmative Action He Decries to Advance.” See http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/12/02/herman-cain-used-the-affirmative-action-he-decries-to-advance.html
We loved seeing ‘Our Leader ‘in print – although I don’t think she is happy about the publicity or about my calling her “Our Leader”, but then we do have free speech and I hope that doesn’t get this blog thrown into the garbage rather than on the blog page.
What we conjectured, which started a very civilized, quiet conversation among people who barely knew one another, into an unbelievably loud and raucous breakfast, was the question asked by one of our table mates – who will Herman Cain endorse.
We had several, different answers to that question until someone said he will endorse New Gingrich and gave their reasons for saying so! That disrupted breakfast and the quiet conversation took a really hysterically funny turn.
It was about Herman Cain looking around for someone who could carry his banner into the election and possibly into the White House. What was the banner – how was it shaped – what were the priorities Herman was looking for in someone he endorsed? Answering those questions was what caused the hysteria. Why Newt Gingrich? Because Newt and Cain share sexual ‘greatness’ together. Who else among the candidates has so strayed away from their marriages – and who else has so disrespected their wives? Newt and Herman – unlikely bed partners, however take another look – they really do share a lot. Neither one have moved beyond 15 years of age in their emotional development. Do you think they share early morning conversations when everyone else is asleep about their possible new conquests? Their techniques? Which women at which political stops were easy prey? Who fell across the desk in their campaign headquarters for them?
Newt, however, has taken his philandering a step further than Herman. Newt left his wife dying of cancer for his girl friend – who he then divorced for another younger girl friend, etc. Herman hasn’t yet reached that level, but he is well on his way. His wife has not died from a terminal illness, but she is clearly supporting and a co-dependent in his sexual sickness as we saw by her standing by her man.
When are women going to realize they can live alone and that half of that wealth belongs to you? You can enjoy it – do whatever you would like to with your life and eliminate having to endure the public humiliation that we saw Herman Cain’s wife just go through! It will happen again!
Herman’s denial of what several unrelated women have said about him gives us a picture of Herman’s ethics even clearer than does the picture of Herman sexually pressuring women. If elected president those are the ethics he would bring into the White House. We suspect he would have made Clinton and Monica look like kindergarden kids who were tentatively exploring the great world of illicit sexuality. At least Clinton didn’t give out a bald-faced lie – he was better at half-truths. So the Universe sends Clinton to purgatory and Cain to hell! Wonder where all those people are going who are supporting Herman Cain? They are making clear statements about their ethics – and aren’t many of them making strong claims to being Conservative Christians? Is this the ethics coming out of that CC commitment? Hmmm – that provided our group with lots of talk!
Who else shares those ethics in the Republican political presidential hopeful lineup? Hey, Newt – Herman is looking your way as a proper replacement for himself! You contain all of what he respects in a man – your history assures him that you will carry his banner with great aplomb into the White House and you give Herman hope of a comeback after a few years when the rest of the world has either forgotten or their ethics have plunged lower to make them want to and able to support a man like you! We came to the conclusion that endorsing you would provide hope for the future to Herman Cain!
Newt’s current ‘wife’ looks like a bad reincarnation of Jackie Kennedy, right down to the hair and the way she carries herself. What continued the hilarity was a description of how Newt is getting his comeuppance. His dead wife – out where people who’ve died are ‘living’ – must be having the time of her life as she sees Newt having to give up early morning campaign appearances because this wife can’t be ready until later in the morning because it takes that long to get curly hair straight. Wait until they start campaigning in earnest in the deep south. They must be hoping for a very cold and dry winter all over their geographical campaign area.
No one could write a novel casting those two characters – Herman and Newt – in the same political campaign season – describing them and their common characteristics and then have one endorse the other after he has to drop out of his campaign for the womanizing ways they both share. It is an unbelievable scenario and says about the United States Republican Party (Sorry Marceline) – how the mighty have fallen!
I am not a great writer so I can’t really summarize the breakfast we just had conveying the incredible fun time with all of the unbelievably sharp comments which sent us into hysterical laughter – including the Conservative at the table, but I hope this gives you a little oft the drift of our morning.
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Those Eyes are Beautiful Because?