Herman Cain and the Racial Discussion
copyright Bettina Network, inc./Marceline Donaldson 2011
We think that if Herman Cain wins the Republican nomination for president he will be a strong proponent in favor of bringing back an updated and strengthened Affirmative Action program; he will be against the institutional racism practiced by large corporations; and he will take a strong stance against racism and sexism.
We know this because Mr. Cain says he is a Christian and he knows he would not have the job or resumé he has today, if others had not sacrificed so he could walk through an easier and economically and financially more profitable life.Mr. Herman Cain knows the many opportunities presented to him and which he took advantage of to promote his career, would not have been there for him -but for- strong civil rights actions attempting to address the problems caused by the racism experienced by African Americans and sexism experienced by women.
A Christian man would not take what he can and throw soot and ashes into the faces of those who provided for him the life he now enjoys. Indeed, he is a bright, intelligent and very capable individual, but there were many such African Americans who were just as bright, if not brighter; just as capable, if not more so; and just as motivated, if not more so; who did not have what he enjoyed because those huge, difficult-to- open doors were not opened for them the way those doors were standing open when Mr. Cain came calling.
A National Education Association (NEA) convention in the mid 1970’s held in Minneapolis, Minnesota threatened support of a civil rights claim against Pillsbury that would have precluded their products in school districts across the country. This action was requested by a group of people supporting the law suit for race and sex discrimination against the Pillsbury Company which continued until the mid-1980’s. Mr. Herman Cain was a direct beneficiary of that law suit and that non-monetary agreement the NEA made with Pillsbury to avoid a boycott of Pillsbury products by the NEA. In that agreement, Pillsbury agreed to hire African Americans in prominent managerial positions if the NEA did not pass the boycott at its convention.
A part of the law suit was against Burger King – then a subsidiary of the Pillsbury Company. Working in personnel, because I was considered “uniquely” qualified to work with Affirmative Action, I discovered that Burger King had a practice of putting up potential managerial employees of Burger King in a small Florida hotel – which only did business in Florida and therefore was not subject to the federal civil rights laws of the day. That hotel had a policy – it did not accept African American guests. Burger King had no record of having placed any interviewee in any other hotel. And they did not hire anyone in a managerial position who they did not bring to Florida to be interviewed. In other words, Burger King had no African Americans in managerial positions and they had clearly never interviewed nor hired African Americans in managerial positions and just as clearly did not intend to do so. Their continued relationship with the hotel said that clearly.
Given the threat of a boycott against the company by the NEA and possible other such actions by other groups in the near future, Pillsbury stepped up its hiring of African Americans and women, especially in Vice Presidential positions. They even put one woman on the Board of Directors.
They originally hired an African American as a Vice President in a staff position i.e. Community Relations (with the minority community). Even he was hired as a consequence of the law suit against the Pillsbury Company.
Mr. Cain walked into a situation which was very different from one he would have walked into and been rejected from without the Affirmative Action programs in place in this country; without the law suit; the strong move by civil rights organizations to bring in relevant organizations to work with Pillsbury to clean up its act and stop maintaining a very racist stance against African Americans in managerial positions. Without that, it is doubtful Mr. Cain would have the Vita he now enjoys sending around to the press.
In fact, if you look closely at Mr. Cain’s Vita you will see the other company which promoted his abilities, experience and education was Coca Cola. A company known for its attempts over the years to be more open to diversity in its employees. In the 1970’s and beyond, one could say it was unique in the way it hired African Americans. And wasn’t that Andrew Young in the wings at Coca Cola?
We are certain Mr. Cain earned his credentials and then some, subsequent to having those doors opened for him by others who sacrificed much to do exactly that and we are equally certain Mr. Cain would want to make sure those doors are kept opened. He would not want to take the unarticulated stance covertly stated – “I’ve got mine, now let me slam that door in the faces of my African American brothers and sisters coming behind me. The weakness some African Americans and other minorities succumb to in such situations is the character flaw showing up of needing to be “different”, the “only one”, “I am great because I made it and others like me didn’t – how fantastic must I be.” That arrogance that develops around that is huge and ugly.
Mr. Cain has talked clealry and eloquently about his Christianity. That Christianity would not allow him to do that. He could not be a Christian and take his life, at the expense of other unacknowledged and unrepaid sacrifices and then take stances to make African Americans and women sweat blood for opportunities they will never have because of the racism and sexism he avoided. Mr. Cain was in the right place at the right time, able and equipped to take advantage of someone else’s sacrifice. Given that and given his Christian commitment, Mr. Cain clearly has a responsibility to address the racism and sexism in the workplace today.. He just as clearly has a stronger responsibility than most, to acknowledge it and put in place programs to continue to address this evil and in Christian terms – this sin!
We can’t conceive anyone seeking a job as responsible and as powerful as this one – able to make substantial basic changes in the world – not only the U. S. – who would take the advantages he enjoyed at the expense of other peoples lives and then turn around to deny those coming behind him because it would be to his personal advantage to deny the existence of racism and sexism. It would be to his personal advantage to ignore the debt he owes to many who provided a way for him to exercise his God given talents.
Let us hear from you Mr. Cain as to how you are going to move these issues onto the Republican platform if you are its nominee for President of the United States. As a committed Christian, who has testified to his Christianity in the public place you can do no less!
Marceline Donaldson
Sacrificial Civil Rights Plaintiff in many issues and over decades
Who was a witness to the above and was one of the instruments who helped to bring about the economic and financial life Mr. Herman Cain now enjoys!
Well so much for that! This was written last week when I could not conceive of a man who owed his career to Affirmative Action and the actions taken against racism and sexism by people like me and others would respond the way he has. He has taken advantage and been a heavy weight on our backs. Now he has decided to dig in his spurs and make the heavy weight, bloody. How un-Chritian, arrogant, ugly and vicious of Mr. Cain. I hope one day he sees himself as God now sees him.
And in answer to his complaint that African Americans are brain washed by the Democratic Party. Here is one who is not! Who is hanging in there in this Republican Party, just barely and who has people like Herman Cain to thank for making me look wistfully at my African American brothers and sisters in the Democratic Party.
Look at who we get in the Republican Party. Selfish – Self centered – using racism to get ahead, using sexism to get ahead – talking out of both sides of his mouth – unable to see, respond to, or thank those on whose shoulders he stands. You are beginning to look like a really miserable human being. Your arrogance is showing unashamedly. You may not have been a politician, but you have come out full-blown and as bad as, if not worse than those around you, Mr. Cain. – what a miserable human being you are. You got your job through Affirmative Action and the work of civil rights groups who intervened and opened a path for you to walk. You now are telling young people and others they need to work for what they get and if they don’t have its because they haven’t gotten out to get a job. Isn’t that amazing. Without the help you received you could have worked your rear end off you would never have gotten the jobs you have had; no matter how much you wanted it or worked for it you would not have succeeded the way you have now – not because you didn’t try, but because the society would not open to give African Americans a chance. Such hypocrisy, Mr. Cain. Such viciousness – such a crock!
One thing to remember – as a Christian – you may not pay back what you owe on this earth, but there is eternity awaiting you.
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