Helping you Keep Cool in the Heat!

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013

Do you have a difficult time coping with the heat and high humidity?  A recent breakfast conversation around a Bettina Network table just might come to your rescue!

We can’t guarantee results, but this breakfast conversation was intriguing and we tried the suggestions.  It worked for us.  Which reminds me, if you want to be one of those who tests suggestions from Bettina Network breakfast conversations, let us know, we will send you the conversation and you send us your results.

There were many suggestions on how to deal with the heat and high humidity.  The one which intrigued us was the massage with Organic Aloe Vera Gel and Juice.  We’ve heard that before and may have written about it, but given the weather around the country we thought we would take a flyer and risk repeating ourselves.

Everyone has their favorite thing to do when the temperature rises.  We heard about hot tea on a hot day to cool off! We heard about sitting in front of the refrigerator with the door open – one we would not recommend.  We heard about taking hot showers so you could come out of the shower and cool off.  But the Organic Aloe Vera Gel and Juice worked for us.

Take a shower – warm, not hot.  No soap please, just plain water.

After the shower and after you dry off, give yourself a massage with the Organic Aloe Vera Gel and Juice.  You will find it is cool to begin with and as you give yourself a massage you will feel yourself begin to cool down.  If you do this before bed you will sleep comfortably or you can even give yourself a massage, get dressed and go out.  No, you don’t have to rinse it off.

How to find Organic Aloe Vera Gel and Juice?  We tried several and wound up liking the  “Lakewood” brand best.

I went crazy and also massaged my hair and scalp with the Aloe Vera Gel.  Since I was not going out I took the risk of looking horrible to everyone who came into the house if things didn’t work with the Aloe Vera Gel.  I was pretty sure it would not make my hair fall out, but I wasn’t sure about anything else.  I know a couple people in the Bettina Network have tried it, but haven’t shared their trials or results with me.

It worked beautifully.  I have been looking for something organic to give my hair a fuller look since it is starting to thin. This accidental side effect of this experiment worked perfectly.  I added a bit of organic, virgin, expeller pressed coconut oil and that gave a tiny bit of a sheen that I liked.  The two are a perfect combination.  Since then, I also tried clipping a capsule of vitamin E into my hand and massaging it on top of the Organic Aloe Vera Gel and that worked even better.  Which one to use, I think, is probably dependent upon the texture of your hair and how dry or how oily it is.

Another version discussed was Organic Aloe Vera Gel with an infusion of peppermint.  Not only did we find this combination cooling, but it gave us a nice smell during the day – and it is difficult to smell great on a hot day.  Either you try perfume and alienate everyone you come in contact with or you use nothing and maybe you will or won’t make it through the day.

Being a child of the heavy marketing that has gone on over the past few decades, and having been gullible enough to buy their messages it took a while for me to realize they were  selling you the same product in different packages and under different brand names and at different prices, I have developed a horror of smelling and a need to be ‘clean’ – television commercial ‘clean’.   I’ve used every tooth paste, deodorant, lotion, perfume, hair product, etc. that has been advertised to be the person pictured in the marketing and advertising. In the long-run, however, that only hooked me into spending money for nothing except to hurt my health, slowly, over a long period of time, but hurtful nevertheless.   First I was paranoid about having a bad body odor, now it is about just smelling at all.  I even give ugly looks to people who smell of very expensive perfume and other products guaranteed to give you a body-smell-good day if you pay the very high price for the products.  When you think about it, their high price is totally justified because they have to pay for the product ingredients (about 3% of the total price) and that huge marketing and advertising bill.

The only substances we used besides the Organic Aloe Vera Gel and Juice was our favorite Organic Apple Cider Vinegar splashed under the arm in the arm pits.  I wasn’t ready to take a chance of the Aloe Vera Gel alone taking on the job of keeping me smelling nice and fresh on a hot and very active day.  It might have been able to do that, but someone else will have to try that experiment.  My apple cider vinegar splashed on top of the Aloe Vera Gel worked the entire day with not even a hint of a smell.


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