Health and Beauty Tips – Who Holds Truth?
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013
We had a wonderful breakfast with a small group of ladies all over 80 and I am under 35. It was not what I was used to, but I am going to change my lifestyle. I learned a lot, laughed harder than I ever have in life, and have some new values to put in place.
I wanted to take notes to write a blog about this breakfast, but didn’t want to offend the ladies or look too commercial or whatever was going on with me. I am new at this blog business – I can write, but how do you get the information without being obvious?
What I learned is that you can’t.
I kept running back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room and back, trying to make notes. As really great things came up, I would run into the kitchen to add the discussion to my notebook. I don’t know how reporters cope. I wanted to be a part of the conversation, yet I also wanted to document it.
We did talk about everything. On one of my trips to the kitchen, when I arrived back in the dining room, one of the women presented me with a pencil and paper and suggested I stay at the table and take my notes. They didn’t mind, but my back and forth was maddening. They were laughing uncontrollably and had been since I started these back and forths, but I didn’t realize they were laughing at me and my antics.
Relieved – what follows is that breakfast:
I loved the way one of the women – at 83 years old – had almost no wrinkles and more energy then I have ever had. I sat next to her because I wanted to know her secrets. She said she didn’t have any. She just kept the lifestyle she had as a young person and didn’t take part in the food, cosmetic, housing revolution which she witnessed over her lifetime. She thought it was all quite dangerous to one’s health.
She smelled of roses – and there was her first secret. She used organic essential oil of roses and no perfume. The oil was in her rinse water when washing her clothes and not on her skin when she got dressed. I will probably never be able to pull that off because a quick trip to the internet and Yahoo-ing ‘Essential Oil of Rose” put me into a state of money shock. Organic Essential Oil of Rose I didn’t even bother Yahoo-ing because I knew that would be even further out of my financial reach.
So what else could I copy?
None of the ladies used commercial cosmetics – no lipstick, no lotions, no makeup – like foundation, etc. They took care of themselves out of their refrigerators and their cabinets. I knew that was the coming thing – I didn’t know that was the past thing. I knew my grandmother used stuff out of her kitchen, but I didn’t pay attention to what she was doing or using.
One lady used beta carotene capsules for lipstick and a little red for her face here and there. She clipped a capsule of the beta carotene and used it on her finger. I knew about that from an article on Bettina Network’s Blog about using beta carotene to color your hair, but hadn’t thought about it for lipstick. She gave me a couple capsules and I tried it. The color was a bit orange. It looked great on me so I am a convert. I don’t know if it would do well on everyone, but it is going to be my choice from now on. I notice it changed colors as the day progressed and didn’t last all day, but then neither did the lipstick I wore. I carried the lipstick in my pocket book and reapplied it during the day. I don’t know how I can do that with beta carotene, but necessity is the mother of invention and this is all new to me so let’s see what happens. It is worth the effort to get this down to a great new habit.
The comments and sharing I liked best were from the woman with almost no wrinkles and some 83 years old. She did this “hot and cold” thing. She splashed water on her face in the mornings when she woke and it was first warm to hot water and then very cold water. When she took her shower in the morning, it was without soap – in fact, none of the ladies used soap or soap substitutes – water was all they used on their bodies. She said she showered in the mornings, first in a warm shower and while standing in the shower she gradually turned the water to cold – showered a few minutes under very cold water and then turned it back to warm again.
Her friend objected because she used this hot and cold water thing, but she got out of the shower after turning the water to cold.
Apparently, this was big when they were my age, which is when they got these beauty tips. One read – and had her collection of Prevention Magazines in her basement. Hers are from the time before Prevention Magazine was sued and taken over by the Meds (their words, not mine). They all used to read the magazine religiously, but cancelled their subscriptions after the law suit and it became, according to them – “an arm of the AMA.” The hot and cold business was something either someone wrote in about or the magazine wrote an article on and it became big in their circle at the time. Not many people they know today still adheres to the regime, but they do and they look fantastic.
My great-great grandmother used to do this – but that was because she didn’t have hot and cold water in her bathroom. She lived well into her 90’s and looked great. I don’t know why I didn’t follow her example – probably because I was quite young and not worried about health or beauty. My mother clearly did not follow the family example and today one hears all kind of ugly comments made during many commercials about looking like, acting like, wearing clothes like your grandmother. The one that comes to mind is “your grandmother’s jeans”. I guess I was made for this breakfast conversation because I like Jeans that fit and don’t hang around my hips on their way to below my butt. Isn’t there somewhere a history which says the Jeans being foisted on young people today are clothes that were worn in jail to let your fellow inmates know you were up for prostitution? When we lose our history, we lose ourselves.
We acknowledge that it looks obscene when we see young men in the “ghetto” wearing pants which show the crack in their butts, but nothing is said when young white women wear the same jeans which show the crack in their butts. That is considered high fashion. As a young white woman, keep those butt-crack showing jeans and all those marketing promotions away from me. I will look to my grandmother for advice, hints and more.
All of that – plus more – which would take me a book to write about – made me think about all the marketing that goes on around products that cost a fortune and deliver next to nothing. I have been going along with their story and buying some of their products because the ads attracted me. After using ”stuff” for a few months and having nothing except buyers remorse. I think before I do anything else I am going to look at the person recommending some kind of cosmetic to me to see if they use it and how they look as a result. The people I look to will not be the 13 year olds who model these products – I want to know what the 80 year olds are doing when they look fantastic, healthy and full of energy with few wrinkles. There is nothing holding truth like seeing results and I have not been getting any from the $300-$400/month I have been spending on cosmetics because I saw an add which made me think it was truth – and finding out it was clearly hype.
This was my first morning on my new regime. I splashed my face with warm to hot water and then a lot of cold water before I had coffee. A nice feeling – and I looked better than the person who usually straggles down for coffee early in the morning.
I also took my first hot/cold shower this morning. After I finished my coffee I tried standing in the shower under warm water, gradually turning the temperature up to hot (but not too hot, I am no martyr for beauty) and then turning it all the way to cold. It was an unusual experience. It takes a little getting used to, but I thought of those women and how great they look. I am going to slug it out until this is as normal to me as it is to them. They are going to be my inspiration. And – the biggy – the cost is only of the water, which I would have to pay for anyway.
My first Bettina Network Blog! Hey editors – you don’t have to copyright this under my name, its a gift. My next blog, however, will be a different story. Although, maybe I would like the term I just coined under copyright or whatever I need to do to claim it!!!! I think Yahoo-ing will give Google a run for its money in the search world. I love Marisa Meyer.
Ed Note: The highlighting of “Yahoo-ing” was done by the editor. It was an interesting word and since our author saw it as her creation we thought we should give it a boost.
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