Harvard University’s Labyrinth

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2008

Labyrinth’s have arrived.  Harvard University introduced its new labyrinth and, of course, we had to go and see.
Oh my! What a disappointment.  It looks as though someone from the Harvard Divinity School pushed and pushed at the administration until they acquiesced and did a – too small, just barely adequate labyrinth.  Its a shame, because just across the way is an elaborate grass and granite “design thing” which must have cost a small fortune and is nothing except an ode to the designer and not a very good one at that.
When you approach the Labyrinth a sign says it is handicap accessible. Well that gives you a hearty belly laugh.  If you show up in a wheel chair you probably cover three or four rows and really can’t navigate to get the full effect of the meditation, which you could get if Harvard had invested more in the labyrinth and less in its “design thing” across the way.
But, a Labyrinth is a Labyrinth and I guess its better than nothing. – —-On second thought, not really because if they hadn’t done that half-way job, there would still be hope for Harvard producing a really first class, carefully thought through and large enough Labyrinth for the generations-to-come to enjoy.

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The Labyrinth

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