Happy Holidays!! From all of us at Bettina Network, inc.

We wish all of you a vey happy holiday – however you celebrate.  May this world always and forever recognize us all as individuals who have the right and the freedom to think, live and act in our own way always being true to who we are.  May we develop the spirit to be able to accept our own humanity and the humanity of others.  May we gain the understanding to know that we all sin, at one time or other, and rid ourselves of the shame that we feel which pushes us to diminish others.  May we know love, without the push from the commercial society  to turn love into sex.  May we accept our own religious beliefs and our own God giving others the right to their individual and collective God beliefs and faith.  But mostly, this holiday season, may we look around and see the joy, happiness, grief, pain of others and do our best to increase that joy and happiness and relieve as much of the grief and pain surrounding us and our societies as we can.

Help us to understand there is enough room in this world for us all.  Free us from that which forces us to the need to force another human being to cut their hair because it is not a part of our culture and therefore a threat and something over which we should have control turning the one into a negative declaring our right to eliminate it.  When that happens, may we gain clarity to see our beliefs and actions in their true light instead of the rose colored glow with which we surround our most evil moments.

Help us to make good decisions about our government and relieve us of the need to have leaders – who we must follow.  May we always be enough within ourselves to keep fear at bay.  That fear which causes all evil.  May we reach the point of collaborating with one another rather than the insistence on leading, being the leader of, which leads only to being “better than.”

To celebrate the holidays within my culture and then to celebrate the holidays with those who have different beliefs and a different faith within a totally different culture and feel at home in both is the ultimate gift we can ask for you this season of the celebration of darkness and light.  Life is filled with both darkness and light.  To be able to enjoy and live into both is the ultimate of gifts and the gift we wish for you.

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The Labyrinth

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Bread – Bettina Style

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