Hair Beauty and Aloe Vera

Copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2008

Anonymous Guest 2
“I tried the Aloe Vera Gel after bathing, using it to give myself a massage, and it was great.
Not having anyplace to go when I tried it the second time I went a step further and massaged Aloe Vera Gel into my hair.  What an incredibly fantastic result.  I hate using the “setting lotions” promoted by the cosmetic industry because they dry out my hair.  The Aloe Vera Gel (organic) did what I wanted setting gels to do although better.  I am hooked.
The second time around I tried Aloe Vera Gel after a steam bath and how sensational was that. I must admit I was a bit worried because when I put it on my face, my face turned bright red and became pretty hot.  I wasn’t sure what I had done to myself, but I used your avocado oil on top of the Aloe Vera Gel and lightly rubbed it in.  After about five minutes the redness and heat went away.  I felt as though I had just had a face lift when I looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe you have to be old and wrinkly to get the same results, but I had a wonderful time that day as I ran my errands.  Just about everyone I talked to that day commented on how great I looked.  Comments like – ‘you don’t even have those bags under your eyes anymore’.  That was a difficult comment to hear because I wasn’t aware I had dark bags under my eyes.
That result didn’t last a long time, however.  Two-three days later I looked tired again.
I have used the Aloe Vera Gel regularly (twice a week) and I can’t believe the results.  Twice weekly because I don’t want the tired look to come back and it hasn’t.  I’ve looked ‘tired’ since I was about 60 and while friends sometimes commented on my ‘tired’ look, I didn’t feel tired so it was a bit frustrating.  That’s all gone now, thanks to you.
I now use the avocado oil over the Aloe Vera Gel and my skin looks smooth, shiny and very elegant.  I look 20 years younger and a few million dollars richer.  My skin now has that dewy, shiny look that I used to love.  It had a dry, parched, wrinkly look that I was resigned to.
When I don’t want such a shiny look – which is when I get dressed in the evening for a special event I use your dry milk idea and put dried milk on a tissue and use it the way I used to use powder.  It has a little whitish look right after I put it on, but in a few minutes that is gone and I look mat-finish great.
My problem is – I was not able to find organic avocado oil.  Do you have a source for this? Please advise soonest because I have become a total organic freak from reading and trying stuff on your blog.  You will probably hear from me often, but please, if you publish my notes to you (emails when I learn the computer), please, please, don’t use my name.”

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