Grits, Shrimp and Greens
copyright 2010 The Bettina Network, inc.
We combined two recipe’s from two different guests who told us one way they make grits. Both are from the deep south – one from Mississippi, one from Tennessee. We think, in this combination, we have found an outstanding way to make grits.
2 cups organic yellow grits (we prefer Arrowhead Mills)
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper – I would not add salt to this. Save your himalayan salt for
guests to add according to their tastes.
6 cups chicken broth, vegetable broth or any kind of broth you make and keep for cooking or
some of the soup you keep in the refrigerator and add to periodically.
Collard greens, spinach or any other kind of chopped greens.
One nice-sized organic yellow onion, chopped fine.
2 1/2 cups Parmesan Reggiano Cheese – nothing else tastes quite the same
One recipe calls for 1 cup cooked bacon. One recipe calls for a couple cups of raw chopped
shrimp. We would give you another alternative – wild caught raw bay scallops. If you feel
particularly flushed with money a really spectacular grits dish would combine all three –
bacon, shrimp and scallops.
Put cream and broth or cream and milk (which can be substituted for broth), in a glass pot and bring it to a boil. Add grits while whirling the milk with a wire whisk so you avoid lumps.
Put greens and chopped onion in the broth/milk/grits and stir the liquids from time to time.
Add cayenne pepper, cheese, raw shrimp and whatever else you decide to put in the grits.
Constantly stir to keep from getting lumps until you are happy the grits is on its way to cooking nicely on its own.
Pour into a greased baking dish and sprinkle with the bacon (if you decided to use bacon), and extra cheese to make the top nicely browned and bubbly.
Bake for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
We owe a huge thank you to Marilee and Sherry. They haven’t met, but their grits recipes have combined to make a superb breakfast dish.
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