Great Travel Tip and I Add….

Since reading your travel tip I talked to my boss.  I am leaving tomorrow for California so your suggestion is very timely.

I asked about the possibility of my company paying for the overnight postage to mail my bags instead of carrying them onto the airplane and it is a go.  Which is GGGGREAT!!!!!!  I can now travel without dragging luggage through airports; it isn’t costing me anything; my company is going to save money because they don’t have to reimburse me for the cost the airlines charge to carry all of the books, papers, etc. which get schlepped all over the place.

I am going to do this overnight mail going and regular (probably book rate) mail returning – which is where my company will save a few dollars.  Since I am going to a conference and would normally have a suitcase full of papers, books and more from the conference this is kind of exciting.

Hope this works as well as your travel tip indicates


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