Get Out of that Trump Base – NOW!
Who do you think you are – all of you claiming to be supporters of Trump because you don’t like the direction in which this country is going and you want Donald Trump to change it. That is your wish, followed by your vote. That was also my wish – and it was a thinly veiled wish of someone who was hiding his racism and sexism from himself and everybody else with platitudes up the kazoo.
Mafia – Sleaze – Bigotry – Sexual Assault – Sexual Abuse – Sexual Harassment – Getting rich on our backs while making his friends super rich and those working so hard to support him and his friends moving into the area of destitute. I just lost my job, thanks to Mr. Trump’s wonderful, great, glowing, expanding economy which will make more billionaires, more middle class out of jobs and shortly more homeless as a result.
This is what you have wrought and continue to give strength to in this country. What is wrong that we can’t see and build and flourish in a country with as many resources as the United States?
What are our children seeing? What values are we bringing to them voting our bigotry instead of a higher set of values which I must have been taught at some point in my life. Although when I look around at my peers and my church I can’t figure out when that happened.
Our children had the example of Barack Obama – an African American man. Not one scandal in his entire time in office. An exemplary president. So you showed our children over 8 years what African Americans are like through this African American president. That scared the life out of me. I don’t know why, but it did. I had to put a stop to what I saw about to happen. Today, watching Trump I must have been temporarily insane.
And now you are showing them – children born some 15 years ago through those coming up now – what it is like to have a White – Northern European ancestry president. I read one of your blogs months ago about the example and what our children were seeing and it scared me.
We should be scared about sitting back waxing eloquent about this man who lies, cheats, steals, assaults women, apparently has ties to and has laundered money for the Italian, the Russian, the Eastern European mafia. Do we really think he is going to listen to and be like anyone else when that has been his history?
How do you think that is going to strike our children growing up? Will they choose to be like this president and adopt his morals, his values, his way of being? Or are they going to think they have to look up to African Americans because their own White ancestry is so flawed and corrupt? Power corrupts and we have certainly misused and abused power.
Ever stop to think of that? At this point – my disgust is such I wish they would follow African Americans. I can’t believe I am really writing this. I don’t even know out of which brain or life this is coming.
In a society without such a long history of bigotry we could have an excellent president of one color and a corrupt president of another color and those judgments would not be made by our children along the color/race line, but along the character line. But in America we have a heavy history of bigotry and it has grown stronger during Donald Trump’s presidency. The intentional re-enactment of Crystalnacht – that time in Germany which heralded so much pain, agony, blood shed, death and more – under this Trump Presidency with Donald Trump himself giving a speech holding up those who participated in and organized that scene scorched our lives and cannot be wiped from our memory.
And now today you have the horribleness – with your children watching – of a president who admitted and bragged about sexually assaulting women before he was elected, during his campaign and and after and we voted for him anyway – so we now have this president acting out his lifestyle and beliefs, just in case we told ourselves things would change once he was elected president.
What changed in this country after the election of Donald Trump?
Our public language is now gutter talk – even on prime time television. As a sexual assaulter he has appointed his friends to high, medium and low places in his government who are also sexual assaulters and he will continue to do so and rub his power to do so in our faces while corrupting our children. How do you think our children will turn out? Upstanding citizens – great values – strong positive characters – knowing that lying is wrong and the truth is that on which we stand? Or will our children replicate the values of this American president – lying, cheating, stealing, assaulting women as his right, lying about it and advising those he appoints with the same proclivities to “deny, deny, deny” bragging about their misdeeds, lying to all around to cover what they are doing under the guise of doing what’s best for you, their friends and the country?
How do you feel now America?
It is past the time for this President to go – taking his vice President with him, his family and all of the people he has appointed to office – none of whom can be trusted to be honest, upright, law abiding citizens of this country. Or is this an environment in which we are comfortable and want to continue to live because lying, sexual assault, cheating, being extremely hypocritical, doing what we can to pull the wool over the eyes of those around us, manipulating everyone all the time because we intend to help him make off with this country’s family jewels? Do we really believe we have a pearl of great price left to us by this president for our work on his behalf? Bite into that pearl and it will quickly crush all in our mouth.
Isn’t it time to cut and run in the opposite direction before the slim and muck of that enlarged, deepened and fouled up swamp gets out of its banks and coats the entire country?
Who is writing this?
I am a very furious man – furious at myself for having supported Donald Trump in his run for the presidency – furious at myself and my family for lying about why we were voting for him – furious at this society which encouraged my racism and sexism which I have passed down to my children – furious at the lack of a good role model for us all – and mostly furious at all of us for not having recognized goodness when we had such a family in the White House. Why didn’t we recognize such – the color of his skin stopped us from seeing the beauty of his character. You Bettina folks would say – God forgive – I got that at one of your breakfast sessions and I reacted against you viscerally. I am not there yet. May not ever be because I seem to need to follow such values – they shore me up and keep me sane. After watching this president I have to change that to say Trump’s values shore me up and keep me superior to all of you. I know it is time to say God forgive! Maybe one day!
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