Generational Wealth, Minorities and Criminal Conspiracies!
It is amazing what is happening in the United States around “generational wealth.” An area to reduce the number of minorities achievements and especially to help to put a cap on how high they can go. A few will slip through, but other blockages are going up for them. This one is for those who could move quite far with the wealth acquired and put aside for them by their parents and other relatives in their parents generation. How it is being taken and repurposed so it will benefit white male northern european ancestry people in these United States.
What happened to Robert and Marceline was about the attempt to strip them of whatever they had so it would benefit white northern european ancestry people and their families. Well, until recently, when we became aware of minorities gathering around to do the same thing to other minorities. Are we such a country so full of greed that this is how we treat one another?
What happened and continues to happen to Robert is a well established pattern with the same people involved, basically stripping the elderly of their wealth with the help of the state and the Court. We are appalled, but no longer in disbelief. It is too clear for denials.
We believe this is a criminal conspiracy.
The pattern:
- An attorney comes along with a client to make the claim in Court that the target is “indigent”. The opposite of what they know, but what is needed to get the Court to relax its standards and help these poor minority elderly almost destitute folks.
2. The attorney asks – on behalf of their client that the person involved not be notified of motions, etc. That the hearings be held without their knowledge. After all, this is an “indigent”, elderly person who we can’t afford to allow to have any rights. The goal is to strip every right the person has to make it easier to strip their earthly goods.
3. Usually the tact taken is to claim the person has some kind of mental illness, shove them into the psych ward of a cooperating hospital – or at the least a hospital where there are people working who are cooperating or who can be bamboozled.
4. Have the Court appoint an attorney to represent this person – stripping away the persons right to choose their own attorney. And again, without notifying the person for whom an attorney is being appointed. The attorney will be paid by the state – but not named in the hearing. The naming of the attorney who will fill this role will be done by the attorney who first brought the action representing, most probably, a state agency.
5. All of the above and more done within hours on the same day. No notice to the target and move quickly before anyone realizes what is happening.
6. Have the named attorney file the basic case without the knowledge, consent or involvement of the target on any level. Mental illness comes first in the line. Indigent comes second with the person filing a motion with the Court that they are indigent and the state needs to pay the attorney. Usually that is enough to move along to hiring a psychiatrist, paid for by the state, to declare the target “incapacitated” and make sure Mass Health (in Massachusetts, some other group in other states) is either already in place or has been applied for because nursing homes don’t take patients who don’t have Mass Health or its equivalent.
7. Shove the person into a nursing home after their stay in the psych ward of a hospital which has declared them “incapacitated” after a substantial bout on drugs that have incapacitated them and the patient then takes their “incapacitated” status with them.
8. The attorneys then show up again and motion for a “temporary guardian” declaring the person without family or anyone else capable of being the “temporary guardian” without the control of assets, but shortly there after for full guardianship with control of the persons assets.
9. The attorneys know every detail of the targets assets, where and how to reach them and whatever else they need to know – told to them by Mass Health which gives the attorneys a well documented map to all of the targets assets. You don’t need to have been accepted for Mass Health. This is mostly for those who don’t qualify – too many assets and income – but even the application gives the attorneys that much needed asset map. The goal? To know where to place liens, etc. to gain ownership of the assets of this person who is now in a nursing home, under restraint, alone because family and friends are not allowed to visit and declared without “executive functioning” to be able to live alone. When you do the research, however, you find many of these folks have family and close friends who have been driven away by the attorneys and their ‘helpers’ and the state agency and, of course, the requisite home health care people who are key to this entire thing being successful.
10. The target, at this point, has been pumped full of an incredible array of drugs usually including anti-psychotics which becomes legal because of the court’s going along with the program with very little to no oversight and the group – usually a guardianship corporation which the attorney oversees – in charge of this elderly soon to be destitute person starts the process of drawing down the elderly persons’ assets.
11. The end of that persons life is made horrendous because others want to strip them of whatever they have managed to accumulate over a lifetime. Usually they end up in a state of shock in constraints in a nursing home – preferably one where COVId-19 is raging or some other kind of illness awaits to help shorten their life to run on a parallel track with the drawing down of their assets. Death when the assets run out is a particularly good outcome.
Insurance is a major part of the stripping and drawing down – it can provide in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to institutions involved.