From a Paranoid Reader
Thank you for the article on “The Personification of Evil”. It was powerful and awesome – especially because of the references you included both on Melania Trump and Joseph McCarthy. I hadn’t thought about McCarthyism as the genesis of this Trump era, but it makes a lot of sense and clears up much for me. I knew about Roy Cohn, but this is like weaving – gradually you come up with a beautiful product.
Maybe because I was reading that article when I also noticed news about the truck killing all of those people in New York City that my paranoia started coming out of its closet, but what a distraction away from the Mueller convictions. It gave Trump a bit of a distraction that he may have hoped would continue and wipe the Mueller headlines out of the media reporting.
My first thought was – Trump’s direct attempts at distractions didn’t do the job so he got help and his ‘help’ was far more successful. The New York tragedy certainly wiped Trump off the front pages for a brief time. Instead of wiping out an immigration program that has had one problem in over 1 million immigrants coming into this country through that program, maybe we need to start a program which sends Trump followers to another country where they can be retrained with exams to pass before they are allowed back into these United States. Move the prisoners someplace else and take over Rikers Island for that purpose?
Trump set the pattern as he has constantly provided distractions from things happening around his problems so reporters and your average citizen would be distracted – and he has been very good at doing that – which is probably what started my thinking that maybe he was behind this tragedy. You can’t feel empathy for people if you caused the problem with intent to destroy.
There had to be something very strong to take attention away from the indictments and the Papadopoulos pleading guilty – the truck killings certainly provided that distraction.
Like I said – I am probably very paranoid from all of this Trump business. I never would have begun to have such thoughts before Trump’s appearance as a presidential candidate and then president. His ‘reign’ has caused me to think differently about what I read and how I put things together.
Before Trump became president and before his campaign showed itself to be so ugly this is not something I would have thought about nor connections I would have made.
You probably won’t publish this, but I needed to get it said and out of me because it really seems like a serious possibility.
It might not come up to the level of Trump’s “birtherism”, but it is a start. Maybe I can become a celebrity through such conjectures.
Have we all been made a bit “off” by this president?
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