Fresh, Healthy-Looking Eyes
A tip from a guest – sent via mail to the Bettina Network, inc.
Thanks for Bettina’s Blog. I enjoy reading it and followed your suggestion of saving it for Sunday morning. It is more fun than the newspapers I read on Sundays and informative in ways no one else tells us. My experience at breakfast in the Bettina Home where I stayed was fascinating. I learned an enormous amount and was very impressed with the intellectual level of your guests.
My tip doesn’t begin to meet those lofty levels, but it was astounding to me and I would like to pass it along to others.
I read your post about keeping your skin beautiful with vitamins A, E and organic powdered milk and have been using it religiously. It has done wonders for my wrinkled skin, which is smoothing out and has taken on a fantastic sheen. My husband tells me I have taken on a “glow.”
I’ve taken your post one step further to increase the good results I get. When I rinse my face with water from my cupped hands the ten splashes you suggest, I don’t dry around the eyes. I dry the rest of my face because I don’t like the feeling of water dripping off my face as I wait for the water to dry, but not wiping around the eyes has done wonders for me. The skin around my eyes was puffy and wrinkly. For several months now I have not touched around the eyes, only did the ten times water splashes to my face without drying my eyes and I can’t believe the difference. Imagine dewey eyes at my age.
A nurse I know said it happens because whenever you dry around your eyes you are compressing the veins and the thin skin and that is what’s happening. Don’t know if that’s true or not and don’t know if I am remembering exactly what she said, but it was something like that.
I really don’t care why, I care about the results from the ten splashes and not wiping the eye area – I look well rested. I send this tip to you in exchange for your tip about what clipping the vitamins has done for the rest of my face.
ed:Note – the Blog to which the reader refers is “Bettina’s Premier Beauty Secret” published in March, 2008
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