Flour Bakery

copyright 2008 Alice Mitchell
editor’s note: This is a restaurant Alice’s daughter takes her parents to when they are visiting her in Boston and they all look forward to  stopping there and love the place.  (Please note – the food is not organic).

1595 Washington Street

Boston, MA. 02118
hours: Mon-Fri 7a-9p; Sat 8a-6p; Sun 9a-5p
One of the delights on the way to the new ICA Museum in Boston is to stop at Flour Bakery for lunch!  Besides the mouth watering pastry, coffee cakes and cookies, Flour Bakery features wonderful and generous portions of soups, salads and sandwiches.
Joanne Chang, the owner and fantastic baker was an honors graduate of Harvard College with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Economics.  She left a career as a management consultant to enter the world of professional cooking.
I like that one can find the very rich and also the more basic cake and bread.  Flour Bakery was featured on “Throwdown with Bobby Flay” on the Food Network in which Joanne’s sticky buns won over Chef Flay’s judges.

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