Finally! No Anti-Perspirants Needed!!!!
copyright 2012 Bettina Network, inc.
We have been working on this problem for a couple years. How to live in polite society without using either deodorant or anti-perspirants. We are convinced that the way many anti-perspirants work, using aluminum to stop your pores to prevent you sweating and therefore to keep you smell- free is bad for your health.
From what we’ve read, there seems to be a growing body of research connecting aluminum as one of the culprits in Alzheimers. It certainly would explain the incredible rise in this disease – looking at the time period from the mid-1950’s when it became fashionable to give a bride and groom a set of aluminum pots as a wedding present. I can remember those shiny pots displayed prominently on the gift table and everyone just ooohing and ahhing over them – and then came the vicious rise of Alzheimer’s. There is some admission of that – although through the back door – by the companies which manufacture these pots because they are now marketing pots as having an aluminum “center” fully enclosed rather than being all aluminum.
Trying to get rid of body odor without using either deodorant or anti-perspirants has been a tough experiment. We have tried everything we heard from everyone who wrote to or called us and nothing worked over the long haul – (read: playing games, hiking, walking fast, high stress situations, etc.).
We tried bathing two and three times a day. That worked, sort of, but only if you engaged in no strenuous activity, kept yourself stress free, etc. If you didn’t, in a couple hours you began to smell as though you hadn’t bathed for days.
We also tried massaging Olive Oil under the arm pits. Then we tried Avocado oil under the arm pits. And then we added different essential oils after rubbing in the Olive Oil and we tried essential oils without rubbing in the different oils putting the essential oils directly on the skin. All of our trials broke down after a short period of time and your friends had to be very forgiving to stay around you for even five minutes.
While watching one of the Dr. Oz television show segments, we discovered the answer AND IT WORKS!!! Organic Apple Cider Vinegar splashed under your arms after you come out of the shower or the tub. It works totally. Several of us have been using it for a while now, including a few of you who contacted us after our blogs on going deodorant or anti-perspirant free. We have all had good results. In addition, I also splashed the organic apple cider vinegar on my face after putting on Avocado Oil and the finish was spectacular. If you try this, be super careful of your eyes. I missed my face and my eyes burned something fierce. That didn’t stop me from continuing to try this because the results were spectacular.
I remember a book that I used to swear by when in my 20’s and 30’s and for reasons I don’t remember just lost track of it. I had a hard time keeping a copy of the book in my library because every time someone saw it they had to have it so I kept buying and re-buying the book just to keep it around. Today, I don’t even remember the books title. It was written by a man (I think) who was an apple cider fanatic. He talked about the old way of doing things and much of his life centered around this product which he claimed was the secret to good health and long life.
During that time frame, I would alternate between squeezing a lemon into a little warm water in the mornings as my first drink of the day with a little organic apple cider vinegar in water as my first drink of the day. With the organic apple cider vinegar I always felt super clean. With the lemons I felt as though I was burning every germ out of my digestive tract.
I also remember, when douching was popular among women. Many women used apple cider vinegar in their douch bags instead of the commercial preparations. So that has been around for many uses for generations. You could tell the women who used the commercial preparations because they smelled like a hospital for hours.
My great-grandmother used it to clean her house along with Olive Oil and that was all she used. She also used it on herself in her bath and all over. She did the same thing with Olive Oil. She didn’t smell of apple cider vinegar, but her house had a very distinctive odor – however, she also didn’t have mold, mildew, bugs, etc. Those insects couldn’t live in her house after that constant onslaught of natural germ killer. That has to be why organic apple cider vinegar works so well to keep you body odor free. No germs left to eat the sweat and let out those horrible odors for others to smell.
Try it and let us know your resuts! Also let me know if you think of the name of the book I’ve lost.
We had more response from our blogs on trying to use something other than deodorants and anti-perspirants than anything else so we know how most of you are trying to live and hope we contribute a little bit to a healthier lifestyle.
I am deligthed with the result. Not only because I don’t smell anymore, but especially because I feel so clean after I’ve splashed my underarms with organic apple cider vinegar. That loud sigh of relief you hear is coming from my friends who have been most tolerant and I thank them for their patience and perseverance. Now, I know my really true friends! The rest of you were fair-weather friends for not being able to tolerate a little discomfort. Look at the results! Our health improvement and greater longevity will be the stuff of legend:)
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