This is a must see video. Hope you will watch it to the end and send back your comments. It is one of a series of 10 videos.

It is a look at what is happening on the southern border of the United States. This is something we avoid – don’t hear much about except in passing – and have not felt moved to take action to remove the inhumanity, the evil, the horribleness being foisted on other human beings because they find themselves in untenable, scary, violent circumstances and look to the United States for help. Here you will find the kind of “help” we are now meting out.

We are open to your comments. Send them to bettinanetwork@

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SNERT or "Erwtensoep" – A Breakfast Soupp*

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Bettina’s Macaroon Cookies

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A New Bettina House in Washington D. C.

January 11, 2009
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